bridal style

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I stared into the eyes of my savior. Green had hoisted me up by my hands. I sat on the cold ground and he looked at me with concern. "Red what are you doing over here?" I looked at him and started to let it all out. I started to cry. At some point he must have put his arms around me because now he was pulling me close.

I don't know why I was crying.  I was being or dramatic before. I knew Green would come back. I was being stupid.  I still loved Green though. I had my face burried into Green's jacket and was sobbing loudly. I was an idoit. I was a damn idoit. I had nothing to cry about and yet I was crying.

I looked up to Green and I didn't say anything. My eyes said it all he knew what I wanted. "Well Red if you wanted me to vist more often you could have just told me silly" I let out another sob and hugged him tighter. He looked down at me and patted me on the head and ruffled my hair.

I finally stoped crying. "Pallet Town" I said quietly.  "what?" he responded in confusion. I spoke again "I wanna go home" I hated my voice, but I hated it even more now I sounded like a little kid.

I felt myself being picked up. I looked over to Green who had picked me up bridal style. My face was fifty shades of pink and red. He made me wrap my arms around his neck. My blush deepened as he started to carry me dow. the mountain. I was going to tell him I love him, just not right now, later this is to comfortable to stop.

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