I am not jealous

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After sobbing on the bed for a good ten minutes I got up and shoved the picture under my pillow. So what it was a stalker move he would never know. So I was fine. I finished unpacking feeling bi-polar. I jumped onto the sheets falling into a deep sleep not even bothering to change into night clothes. I was that tired.

I woke up the next morning to an unfamiliar room. I flood of memories came back to me and I felt like crying.  But it was to early in the morning for that besides I cried enough last night.

Changing into a new pair of cloths I stumbled into the bathroom to wash me face. I looked sleep deprived. I looked like a wreak. While I was walking into the other areas of the house I heard moan and screams coming from the bed room down the hall.

My face went red the seccond I got the message. This early was the first thing that came to mind. Thanking Gold would be something  I could do later. Right now they could have there "alone time".

I walked back to my room and closed the door. Once I closed the door I could no longer hear the noises. I'm guessing this room is sound proof.  They could at least close their door properly.  I stand corrected. The moans became louder and I could hear Silver's screams. He started to utter phases in between breathes.

I could imagine it. "Gold, a-a little lower" he yelled. His yells could be heard across the house. I wouldn't be suprised if the people next door could hear. A painful feeling built up inside the pit of my stomach. Nope I denie it there is no way I am jealous. No way in hell. Their is no way I want Green to make me scream or moan. I especially didn't want him to touch me.

Who was I kidding, I wanted it bad. I mentally sighed. I am so stupid.  I felt like hitting myself repeatedly. As their moans got louder my desire for Green got bigger as well. Why? Why did Green have to be so, so... just I don't know just so much like himself.

I was jealous no way of getting around it. Why did Green have to have stumbled into my life. He was perfect.  I was dumb, clumsy, ignorant,  and I rushed things. He was to good for me to begin with. It was point less. I needed to catch up on sleep but I just couldn't my thoughts haunted my and I couldn't help but cry.

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