pinned down

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in secconds Green had me pinned down to the bed. And in just a few mor seconds he started to unbutton my shirt. I struggled out of the jacket on top and tossed them to the floor. He moved his lips to mine as we shared another rough kiss. He pulled me to him and sliped his tounge inside. 

We fought each other for dominance but in the end Green won and took control.  I then had my pants tooken off leaving me in nothing besides boxers. He traced the curves and edges of my body until he reached my hips. He started to pull down my last layer of clothing until I screamed.

"Wait" I yelled so loud I was scared gold or silver would hear. He looked at me with that confused look again.  "I want to see you to I hollered.  He looked suprised but then smirked.  He removed his own shirt and jacket and they joined the other clothes on the floor.

As he started on his own pants the door opened and silver walked in. Damn you silver. "Gold wanted me to-" he stoped dead in his tracks and shut the door. Me and Green looked at each other and ran to put on our clothes.  Oh damn oh damn oh damn. Green was the first done since I had more to put on then him. I walked out of there with a flushed face.

I was so emberessed. If I knew this was going to happen I would have locked the door. I can be such an idoit. Who am I kidding I am an idoit.  We both faced silver and Gold in the kitchen. Green was good with hiding this stuff I kept a poker face but I was still blushing.

We could tell Silver told Gold about it all. "Well," Gold said to start it off. "Glad to see your okay" he said with a forced smile. This was probably the most awkward situation I have ever been in for my entire life. Once again I hate myself.

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