Down the mountain

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Green was carrying me. He was warm. It felt good to have him hold me. It felt warm and like I was safe. Like nothing could hurt me with him around. I clung to him loving his touch.

At some point I must have fallen asleep cause next thing I know I'm in Green's lap just waking up. I still had that feeling. I looked up to see his face. He gave me a smile and I blushed. I did this all the time before. Now I can't see this kind of stuff as a friendly gestures anymore. Being in love was so complicated.  Hell life was complicated.

I was lost in his gaze and looked deep into his eyes. He had perfect eyes. He was perfect in every ways. I shouldn't be thinking this but I was anyways. He was perfect. Perfect perfect Perfect. Green interrupt me from my train of thoughts.

"What are you looking at Red are you okay?" he looked at me in concern. I became flushed. He put his hand up to my forehead. "You looked flushed are you okay?" He asked still worried. "I'm fine" I said in a low tone that he could barly hear. "You sure?" he asked again. I noded for a response not wanting to speak.

"Well okay, if your sure" he said still feeling my forehead. I had a blush deeper then my red hat.  I was nervous.  I should tell him, no nows not the time I should just enjoy him being here. I wraped my arms around his waist. He looked back down at me with a puzzled expression.

"Red what are you doing?" he asked. Then I started to snuggle into him. We were "friends" so this was just "friends" being "friends". I was comfortable here with Green. I missed him so much when he left, like hell.

Why did he have to go? Well it doesn't matter now he's here with me. He shot me a puzzled look. I looked up at Green and he still had a confused look on his face. He got over the shock and let me do what I wanted. I continued to hug him and such. I eventually sat up and was sitting in his lap. He had put his arms around me now and I had a red face.

He couldn't really see that though cause my face was burried into his cheast. He held me protectively. I couldn't see his face so I couldn't know what he was thinking.

Eventually I let go and laided down in the snow. It was cold but my jacket kept me warm. We both laided in the snow for a while until Green broke the silence.  "Red" he said still not looking at me. "Are we friends? " he asked indecently before looking my way.

I didn't know how to respond. Do I tell him yes or does he want to know if I love him. I didn't have time to respond. He pulled me into a hug and my face became Scarlett. I hugged him back and started to cuddle him again.

We were friends so things can't be complicated. We were friends so we can't love each other.  But for now I will take what I can get.

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