The Girls are Back

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Lexi's P.O.V.

I just got out of the shower and dressed. Taylor is still asleep and I hope she stays asleep.

I know what your thinking. Why does Taylor have to stay asleep. Well you see, the girls are coming back today, but Taylor doesn't know.

I just eat, now I'm leaving for the airport. I get there and ran inside. I wait 20 minutes and see that the girls plane landed.

I search for them in the crowd.

"Lexi" voices yelled

Before I know it, I'm on the ground.

"Girls" I shout

I hug all of them.

"It's so great to see you all again, Taylor is going to scream" I say

"We know" Ana said

"Lets go, she may but up" I say

We grabbed their stuff and left.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I woke up and Lexi wasn't here. Oh well she may be out. I got dressed and went down stairs. I plugged in my iPod and Orianthi

Shut up and kiss me blasted out. I started dancing and singing along.

You're too loud, I'm so hyper

On paper we're a disaster

And I'm driving you crazy

It's my little game

I push you, and you push back

Two opposites so alike that

Everyday's a roller coaster

I'm a bump you'll never get over

This love (love) hate (hate) relationship

You say you (you) can't (can't) handle it

But there's no way to stop this now

So shut up and kiss me

Kick (kick), scream (scream) call it quits

But your just (just) so (so) full of it

cause it's too late, to close your mouth

So shut up and kiss me

So shut up! So shut up!

I call you and you pick up

I tell you how much I'm in love

I'm laughin and you get mad

It's my little game

Go ahead now, admit it

You like your world with me in it

Like a record, it's broken

Yeah, I'm a bump you'll never get over

This love (love) hate (hate) relationship

You say you (you) can't (can't) handle it

But there's no way to stop this now

So shut up and kiss me

Kick (kick), scream (scream) call it quits

But your just (just) so (so) full of it

cause it's too late, to close your mouth

So shut up and kiss me

You miss my lips, my kiss, my laugh

The riffs on my guitar

The way we fight, we make up fast

Oh yeaaaah

So shut up!

Love hate, love hate, love hate

Cause this love (love) hate (hate) relationship

You say you (you) can't (can't) handle it

But there's no way to stop this now

So shut up and kiss me

Kick (kick), scream (scream) call it quits

But your just (just) so (so) freakin' full of it

cause it's too late, to close your mouth

So shut up and kiss me

So shut up!

Shut up and kiss me!

"Well thanks Lolt for that show" I heard a very amused Ana like voice say

I scream after I turned arounded. Four of my best friends standing there.

"Oh My God" I yell tackling them

"Nice to see you too Tay"  Dianna said

"Your here? How?" I ask

"Lexi" Adrienne says

"Yeah she got us tickets and every thing" Rydel said

I hugged Lexi.

"Thanks Alex" I said

"No problem Tay" Lexi said

We just sat around talking about every thing and catching up. We eat lunch and watched a movie.

"So Tay, whens the wedding?" Rydel asks

"Lou said he wants it on the day before my birthday so it's December 15 now so four months and three days girls" I say

"On St. Patrick day?!" Adrienne asks yelling

"Yeah" I say

"Where?" Dianna asks

"Ireland" I say

"When are we going there?" Lexi asks

"After January 3rd" I say

"Ok, I have to pack" Lexi says running upstairs

"I wonder what I'm going to do with her" I say

"Nothing" Lexi yells

We all laugh.

"Taylor, have you picked your maid of honor yet?" Rydel asks

"No, but Louis hasn't either so yeah" I sighed

"No worries, we're fine with who ever you chose" Ana said

"Thanks, now lets go to bed, it's 9 and I have to go to the studio tomorrow"  I say

"Alright" they all said

We changed and went to bed.

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