Baby I..

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  • Dedicated to Alexis Thornewell

Taylor's P.O.V.

I was siting on the couch with Adrienne and Louis. We were showing him PewDiePie.

You know Felix Kjellberg? Well yeah, we're watching him. Adrienne laughs every time I jump when he screams.

My phone rang. I grabbed it and pressed call.

Taylor: Hello?

Caller: Hello Taylor, it's Simon. I'm calling about your music video for Baby I, we're filming today.

Taylor: Alright, um I'll be there in 10 minutes

Simon: Ok see you soon

I hung out and stood up.

"Adrie go get the girls, Lou get the boys" I said walking outside

Everyone came out and saw me in the car. They all got in.  I started to drive.

"Taylor where are we going?" Liam asked

"You'll see" I said

We pulled up to the place where I'm shooting the video. I smiled and got out. The other's followed me.

"I'll be back in about ten minutes guys I have to change" I said running off

I ran into the building Simon told me and saw Zaria who does my hair, makeup and wardrobe. I smiled and skipped over to her.

"Hey Z" I said

"Hey Taylor, lets get to work" she said

I nodded and she started on my makeup.

Liam's P.O.V.

Me and everyone else are just standing here watching people run around. Taylor came out in a different outfit then before.

She smiled and walked over to us.

"Guys I'm filming my music vide for my new song" she said

"Oh that's why we're here" Harry said

"Yeah, well I'm going to go, and Alex your coming with me, you needed" she said dragging Lexi away

I sighed and turned to the boys. They were all looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"You really need to break up with Sophia" Zayn said

"Yeah I know" I sighed

Music started and Taylor started dancing and singing. The filmed the parts in that outfit the she had to change. They did the same thing again and she changed into another outfit,  where Louis start smiling about.  They were dancing and singing. Louis just smiled at Taylor.

Soon they were done filming, so Taylor walked over to them. It was around 3 in the afternoon it was 9 in the morning when we left.

Taylor's P.O.V.

Filming this video was fun I got to play in the snow and dancing. I was watching the video through and I loved it.

(Picture a winter scene and snow on the ground)

I smiled and thanked the director. I changed back into my clothes I wore coming here and ran to everyone.

"Hey guys lets go home" I said

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