Ana and Niall's Date and Louis and the Boys Sing to the Girls

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Niall's P.O.V.

Right now I'm talking to Taylor. I wanted her help with a date for Ana and I.

"Niall take Ana on a picnic date, and go to your hide out" she said

"Go idea TayTay" I said

"Thanks NiNI" she said

"Can you get her ready, I want to set it up, and while we're talk to Lou please?" I asked her

"Sure, and fine" she said leaving my room

I sighed. That girl is so wrong about Louis, she should know that. I left my room to see Ana being pulled by Taylor into her room.

I chuckled and walked to the kitchen. I picked her and my favorite foods and put them in a basket. I grabbed a blanket and left the house.

I got to the park and went to mine and the guys hiding place. I remember bring Taylor here. I set everything up and texted Taylor.

She texted back saying Ana is ready. I told her to bring her here.

Ana's P.O.V.

Taylor said she was taking me out today. I sighed as we walked to the park.

"Come on Maddie, it's this way" she said

"Liv" I whined

"No Maddie, your going to like it, trust me" Taylor said

"I trust you Liv" I said

"Go now lets go" she said grabbing my hand pulling me after her.

We stopped outside and passage way.

"Go on" she said waiting for me to go first.

I walked through and saw Niall standing there. I smiled and turned around. I saw that Taylor wasn't there. I turned to look at Niall and run to him.

"Hey babe" he said pecking my lips

"Hey" I said

"You ready for our date?" he asked

"Our date? That's why Taylor brought me here?" I asked

"Yes" he said shyly

"Well Niall I am ready for this date" I said pecking his lips

"Good now lets eat" he said pulling me

I laughed at him and sat down.

"It's so beautiful here" I said

"I know, I brought Taylor here once" he said.

"I bet she loves it here, even spending time with her brother here" I said

"Yeah she does love here, she always comes here when she wants to be alone" he said

"Niall do you remember what I said when I left?" I ask him

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I smirked

He laughed and it started to snow. I smiled and stood up.

"I love the snow" I said

"Me too" he said

I started getting cold, I guess Niall noticed.

"Lets go home" he said picked very thing up

"Ok" I said helping him

We put the blanket around us and walked home.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I kept me promise to Niall that I'd talk to Louis. I went to his room. He was siting on his bed.

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