Bridal Shower and Family

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Taylor's P.O.V.

Lexi and the girls planned my bridal shower. Tomorrow is February 14th!

Which is Lexi's birthday and also Valentines day. Louis said he wants to spend

time with me so we're having a date.

“There” my mom said when she finished my hair

“I love it mom” I say looking into the mirror

“Your welcome love, you look beautiful” she said

I smiled and hugged her. I slipped on my heels and walked downstairs.

Ana and I left the house to the shower. We parked and walked in.

“It's wonderful girls, thank you” I say to them

“Your welcome” they say

*An Hour Later*

I've been watching Dianna. She's acting weird. She loves wine and the other drinks that

are set up, but she hasn't had any. She throw up this morning also.

I walked over to her.

“Dianna can we talk?” I ask

“Yeah sure”

We walked away from the party.

“Dianna are you pregnant?” I ask her

“How did you find out?” she asked shocked

“You throw up this morning and not drinking” I say

“You still have that good eye” she sighed

“Congrats” I cheer

*Two Hours Later*

Rydel left with Dianna. Well everyone is leaving. The cleaning. Ana, me, Lexi, and Adrienne got into the car and left.

We got home to see the Lynch boys, Ratliff and Joannie. I screamed and ran to Joannie.

“JJ” I squeal

“Tater tot” she joked

I glared at her.

“Sorry” she sighed

“It's fine” I say hugging her

“I missed you Tay” she said into my shoulder

“I missed you more” I say

“Taylor let go of my girlfriend” Ratliff said

“No, I known her longer then you and she's part of my family no matter what, so I can hug her all I want” I argued

“Tay let me go” Joannie whispered into my ear

I did and hugged Ross.

“Hey Rossy” I say

“Hey Tay” he said

I let go just in time for Rocky to hug me.

“Hey Rock” I say

“Congrats Tay” he said


“I want to see the ring” Riker said

I looked at him weird and showed him my ring. He nodded.

“Let me see” Ryland said

Ryland grabbed my hand.

“Beautiful” he said

I nodded and walked away. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water.

“Hey sweetie” mom said coming in

“Hey mum” I say

“Sorry I couldn't come to you shower love” she said

“It's fine, I understand” I say

“I'm going to bed, and I know your friends are here. Joan in your room, the boys in the other quest rooms” she said

“Ok, might mum” I said

She kissed my cheek and went to bed.

“Boys to your rooms, girls to your rooms, Joan to mine” I say

They nodded and went to bed. Joan and I walked into my room. Joannie layson her bed and went to sleep.

I call Louis, because it's been like two day since I last saw him and the boys. We talked about random things and

at the end of the call he said night and love you. I said I love you too Lou and hang up and went to bed.

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