The End!

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*15 Years Later*

Taylor's P.O.V.

Do you know what it is like raising 10 kids? I bet not. I'm Taylor Tomlinson 15 years ago I married my true love Louis Tomlinson.

Who right now is playing with our boys while the girls help me. 5 girls and 5 boys. I'm now a writer and Louis is an actor and a football player.

"Tess can you make dinner, I have to go give Matthew a bath?" I asked my oldest daughter

"Sure mum, um mum when is everyone coming?" Tess asked

"Your aunts and uncles, tomorrow Tess" I said

"Ok mum" she said going to the kitchen

I walked up the stairs and went to the bathroom in my bedroom. I put my two month old son in his little tub and started washing him.

"Matty look at mommy" I said as I put soap in his hair.

He giggled and clapped his hands. I laughed and washed the soap out of his hair and wash the soap off his body. I dried him and dressed him

and then put him to bed. It's 7:30 p.m. here. I walked downstairs to see Louis helped Tess make dinner as the others set the table.

"Dinner is done mum" Tess said

"Thank you Tess" I said

"Your welcome mum" she smiled as she sat down

I looked at my big family. Tess, Shane, Tom, Anna are on my left, and James, Lilly, Lucas, Penelope and Donna on my right.

Louis is at the other end.

"Boys did you have fun with your father today?" I asked

"Yeah, his job is awesome" Tom said

"That's my boy" Louis said

I smiled and rolled my eyes. Soon dinner was over and the kids were in bed. I was getting ready for bed when Matthew cried. I sighed and threw on my clothes.

"I got this one love" Louis said already out the door

I smiled and finished getting ready. I hoped into bed an fell asleep.

*Next morning*

I am very tired. Matthew kept me and Louis up all night.

I'm glad my family is coming over. The door rang and James said he would get it. Two kids ran in.

"Hey Abby, Hey Angelica" Tess said hugging the two 8 year old twins

Ronnie and Felix meet at the wedding and soon got married three years later.

Ronnie Kjellberg soon walked in with a 5 month belly.

"Mummy did she swallow a planet like you?" Donna asked

"Yes Auntie Ronnie did" I laughed

My kids love Doctor Who.

Harry  soon came in with his kids Darcy, Lucy, Addy and Ryder. Lexi and Liam came in next with Charlie, Meghan, and Ginny.

Niall and Ana came in with their kids, Kendall, Taylor, Jenny and Tyson. Then Adrienne and Zayn with their kids, Jerome, Fabian, Joy, Nina, and Amber. Dianna and her kids Mark, Heather, Linda and John.

R5 is on tour and Joannie is with them. I'm holding Matthew in my arms when Ronnie steals him. My other kids are now outside with the others. I smiled and hugged my brother.

"Hey Niall" I said

"Hey sis" he said

We hung out and then everyone left. The kids went to bed and me and Louis sat on the couch.

"Love, today was fun" he said

"Yeah it was Lou" I smiled

He smiled and held me in his arms.

"All these years have been amazing" he said

"Yeah they have been" I said

"I love you Taylor forever and always" he said

"I love you too forever and always, just you and I" I said

"Just you and I" he sang

The End!

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