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*Four Weeks Later*

Taylor's P.O.V.

After Adrie and Zayn finish up the Skype to Adrienne's family. We

are going to find my wedding dress. I'm still screaming in my head and saying that

none of this is real.

Adrienne's P.O.V.

I hope Zach is ok with Zayn. I know he's my little brother but he's still over protective.

Zayn just called them. I'm worried they might not like him. Zach's face pops up.

"Adrie!" he yells

"Zachy" I say

"How are you? How's Ireland and England? How are the girls? Who's he?" he asks

"Fine, both great, also fine, and Zach meet my boyfriend Zayn" I say shyly

"Boyfriend?!" he yells

"Zachary!" I hear mom yell

"Sorry mom but Adrie has a boyfriend" he said to mom

I turned to Zayn. He looked scared. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Awe! Their so cute!" I heard my mom say

"Mom!" I say blushing as Zayn smirks

"What? It's true!" she states

Zach looked grossed out. I sighed as me, Zayn, my mom, and Zach talked for 20 more minutes

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