A Break Up?

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Lexi's P.O.V.

Liam just left to see Sophia. God I hate her. I think she knows I love Liam; but I don't care.

Right now I'm packing with the girl. We're leaving for Ireland in two days.

Liam's P.O.V.

I'm at Sophia's house right now; I'm going to break up with her. I love Lexi and I want to be with her.

"Li are you alright?" Sophia asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine Sophia, just thinking" I said

"Oh, what are you thinking about?" she asked

"Us" was all I said

"What about us Liam?" she asked

""About us breaking up" I answer truthfully

"You love her" she said confusing me

"What?" I asked her

"Lexi; you love her" she said tearing up

"Yeah I do, and I'm sorry; can we be friends still?" I asked

"Yeah we can be friends Liam; now and get Lexi" she ordered

"Will do ma'am" I said running out of the house an to my car

I drove home fast and ran inside slamming the door.

I guess I scared the boy by the looks on their faces.

"Where's Lexi?" I ask

"At the studio with Taylor, Ana and Adrienne; why?" Louis asked

"Well I'm free of Sophia and I want to kiss her so bad" I said happily

The guys cheered and bro hugged me.

"So their not here?" I asked

"No, but now we can go and watch them" Niall said going and getting his and the other boys coats.

Then we got into the car and left.

Lexi's P.O.V.

Me and Tay are working on the dance moves and practicing for her concert in Ireland. Taylor is singing shake; while dancing. She was trying not t0 fall at the same time; she's wearing heels. I took a break and talked to Adrie.

To arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey Lex" the person said

"Hey Li" I said shyly

"Why so shy?" he said

"I'm not shy" I lied turning around to face him

"Then why are you acting shy?" he asked smirking

I glared at him and went back to work. Different music came on; Taylor gasped and looked at me. I heard Liam start singing.

So your the girl

I heard the rumor

You got the boys wrapped around your finger

Such a sweet heartbreaker

If you're the game, I want to be the playa

Oh, you can do whatever you want

It's alright with me

Why don't you break my heart

Make it hurt so bad

Come on give it your best

None the less, I insist, just like that

Why don't you break my heart

Sounds good to me

Do it over again, again, again

Just what I need

Why don't you break my heart

yeah, break it

Stare me down, intimidate me

Baby please you'll never break me

Bring it on, cause I can take it

You're so cool, the way you play it

Oh, you can do whatever you like

It's alright with me

Why don't you break my heart

Make it hurt so bad

Come on give it your best

None the less, I insist, just like that

Why don't you break my heart

Sounds good to me

Do it over again, again, again

Just what I need

Why don't you break my heart

Why don't you break my heart

Make it hurt so bad

Come on give it your best

None the lest, I insist, just like that

Do it over agian, again, again

Just what I need

Why don't you break my

Why don't you break my

Heart, yeah

When he finished he was holding me tight against his body.

"Liam?" I asked

"Yes buttercup?" he responds

Buttercup? Why did he call me buttercup?

"Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend Sophia?" I asked

"We broke up because I love someone else" he said happily

"Who is she?" I asked a bit upset

"I think I can show you better than telling you" he said leaning in

I felt his soft lips on mine and gasped. I kissed him back making everyone cheer.

We pulled away and Liam asked me the question I always wanted him to ask me;

"Lexi will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him and smiled.

"Yes" I said

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said kissing him

The girls were dancing oddly.

"Alright boys go sit with Ana and Adrie while me, Alex and my backup dancers work please" Tay said

The boys did as told. Taylor counted the steps as we moved. I can't wait for the concert in Ireland in two weeks.

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