A Link to Trouble

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Taylor's P.O.V.

I woke up, grabbed my phone and logged onto Twitter. I saw I had a some notifications.


Hey @Taylor_Horan! Is it true Louis is cheating on you?

Ok that confused me. Louis is cheating on me? I looked at the next one.

                                                                        Maddy Malik

@Taylor_Horan I feel for u. I can't believe Louis would do that! :(

I looked at the rest and there all talking about Louis cheating on me. What's going on?


What do you all mean? @Louis_Tomlinson hasn't cheated on me?

I tweeted that. I got a few reply's.


                                                                        Maddy Malik

It's true @Taylor_Horan, some1 caught him, and took pics

I replied to that one.


                                                                        Taylor Horan

@MMalik1D can I see them please?

                                                                        Maddy Malik

Sure  @Taylor_Horan, here's the site there on. polyvore.com/link/set?id=111699442

                                                                        Taylor Horan

thanks @MMalik1D

I clicked in the site and looked at the title.

Louis Tomlinson Cheating on One Direction's band mate's little sister Taylor Horan?

There was and article and everything. He's with Eleanor Calder in all of these pictures. I got out of bed and got the girls up.

I tried my best not to let the tears come out.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Ana asked

I handed her my phone and hugged Adrienne as they looked at it.

"Tay you know that could be a jealous fan who sent the pictures to the paps, and that their making it up right?" Rydel asked me

"Yes I know that but it still hurts, knowing it may be true Delly" I shouted

"Taylor-" Dianna started

"No, Louis could have cheated" I cut her off by yelling

We heard footsteps come our way. We all stopped and saw Louis there.

"Everything all right? I heard yelling" he asked looking at me

"Everything is fine Louis" I spat

He looked shocked. He walked closer to me.

"Babe what's wrong?" he asked me

"Nothing Louis, I'm going back to my room I have songs to work on" I said walking away

I heard Louis ask the girls as I walked away.

I got lost in my thoughts while sitting on my bed.

Is Louis really cheating on me or is it a lie?

That was my last thought till I started on my songs.

Louis' P.O.V.

I watched Taylor walk away. What's wrong with her?

"Girls what's wrong with Taylor?" I ask them

"Louis have you cheated on Taylor?" Lexi asked

All the girls glared at her. What's going on there?

"No I haven't, I love Taylor with all my heart" I said

"Louis look at this" Ana said passing me Taylor's phone?

I looked at the title and I looked at the girls.

"No no no it's not true" I said shaking my head

"Louis we know that but Taylor doesn't" Adrienne said

"You need to do something quick" Rydel said

"I know, and I will fix this" I said

I left the room and went to mine. I logged onto Twitter. I saw a new trends.

#IsLaylorBreakingup, #Laylorbreakup?

I shook my head and typed a tweet.


                                                                        Louis Tomlinson

Guys I never cheated on @Taylor_Horan. I <3 her. #IloveTaylor #Ididn'tcheat

I poste it and put my phone down. What is happening?

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