Louis' Birthday PART 1

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Taylor's P.O.V.

It's Louis' birthday and I got him the greatest present ever!  I had the guys take Louis out till his party.

Rydel, Dianna, Lexi, Adrienne were setting up the place we're having the party.  Me and Ana were picking up the guests and things we need for the party. I'm picking up the guests that need a ride and from the airport. I brought the last of the guests to the place and went in.

"Oh my god, girls this is beautiful, Louis is going to love this" I shout when I walked in

"Great!" Rydel yelled

I ran up to the stage and smiled.

"Girls do you remember the dance moves?" I ask them

"Yeah" They all yell back

I smiled and called Niall

Niall: Hey Tay

Taylor: Hey NiNi

Niall: Everything ready?

Taylor: Yeah everything is ready, be here in an hour ok?

Niall: Alright later sis

Taylor: Later bro

I ended the call and ran to the girls.

"Let's get ready" I said

*Finally" Lexi yelled running out to my car

"Lets go girls, Maddie is there room in your car?" I ask walking with the other girls

"Yeah, enough just for Dianna, Rydel. and Adrienne why?" Ana asked me

"Because my surprise is in my car and I'm letting them out of the car now, only a few though and I have no room" I answered

"Oh ok. see you back at the house" Ana said walking away to her car

"See ya" I yelled waving

I walked to my car and saw Lexi chatting with my surprise for Louis.

"Alright Lexi get in and lets go" I said getting in

I drove to the house and parked outside. The girl's were here.

I told everyone inside because we have to get ready.

I start getting ready when my phone rang.


Taylor: Hey Lou

Louis: Ello love. um what's up?

Taylor: Just hanging with the girls

Louis: Oh

Taylor: Babe I have to go I love you

Louis: I love you too love bye

I ended the call and sighed. This is going to be harder I thought.

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