The Boys are Home

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Louis' P.O.V.

Right now me and the boys are driving home. It's 6 p.m. so the girls are at home. I can't wait to see the girls.
Oh look we're here.

Ana's P.O.V.

Taylor going crazy! She woke up at 4 in the morning. She cleaned the house till it was spotless. Now we're helping make dinner.
She had One Direction on and sang along at Louis' parts. We all joined in, well Dianna didn't she just laughed at us.
The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" Rydel said leaving the kitchen

Taylor started singing Louis' part of Back for you. Then we heard Rydel scream. We ran to the door to see what was wrong.
We found Rydel kissing Harry. We looked behind them.

"Niall" I yelled running to him
"Ana" he said kissing

Taylor's P.O.V.

The girls ran to the boys, while I walked with Lexi and Dianna. I saw Louis and ran to him.

"Louis" I said tackling him
"Babe" he said standing up and lifting of the ground, spinning me

He down me down and kissed me.

"I missed you so much" he whispered against my lips
"I missed you more" I whispered

He kissed me again.

"Um Lou can I hug my little sister?" I heard Niall ask

We broke apart and I tackled him.

"NiNi" I shout right in his ear
"Ow my ear" he whined
"Your such a big baby" I said  getting up
"I am not a baby" he argued
"Yes you are" I ponied out

He pouted and I laughed. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you big brother" I whispered into his ear
"I missed you too little sister" he whispered back

I pulled away and looked at him. Glassy eyes, the blonde is almost gone from his hair too.

"Let's go inside, I think I hear us on" Zayn said smirking

I blushed and walked in with Louis and Niall. I missed my boys.

*After Dinner*

"So how was tour?" Lexi asked
"Amazing" Liam said
"Any funny stories boys?" I asked
"Tons, but lets not talk about right now" Niall said
"Alright, guys um I need to tell you guys something" I say
"What is it love?" Louis asked
"I know who my maid of honor is" I said happily
"Who is it?" Adrienne asked
"Alex" I said
"What?" Lexi asked
"Your my maid of honor" I said standing up
"Omg" she said pulling me into a tight hug
"I know now let m go before I die and Lou kills you" I joked
"Sorry" she said pulling away
"It's fine now time for bed, I call Louis' bed" I yell grabbing Lou's hand and running up to his room

I shut the door after we're both in and turn to him.

"Babe-" he started before I kissed him
"Shush, I missed you to much, and I want my two years worth of lost kisses" I said

He chuckled at me and picked me up. We made out for and hour before I feel asleep on him.

Louis' P.O.V.

Back home and with my girl. Already amazing. She's sleeping on me in my shirt. I missed her so much. She's changed a bit too.
Her hair has a bit of reed in it, her eye have a bit more blue now. It makes her more beautiful. I can't wait to marry her and start a family.

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