Chapter 17

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Human - Christina Perri

Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan

Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus


"No mom. I'm fine. Yes I know it's been awhile, but with you guys leaving over the holidays and all, we have just been really busy and haven't had a ton of time to do stuff."

I carefully sat up on the bar stool as Chad eyed me from across the kitchen. I know he was only staying down here to make sure I didn't say anything to my parents about what he has been doing to me.

"Yes I'm recovering just fine. Still a few bruises and scrapes, but I should get my cast off in the next two weeks or so."

I rolled my eyes as she continued lecturing me about taking it easy.

"No mom I haven't had any trouble breathing, my lungs are just fine."

That was kind of a lie. Because of the broken ribs, there was a little sharp pain everytime I took a breath, but it had been there for a few weeks now so I learned to just breath through it.

I started tracing circles on the counter top and I saw Chad leaning against the fridge, a beer in one hand and his phone in the other.

Before we were married, and even for a while after, I never thought Chad drank. The first couple months of our marriage I never saw him drink any alcohol at all. Then he would start to drink one glass when we went out with my parents or his coworkers. The one glass soon turned into two or three, but only when we went out to dinner. It wasn't until the last couple weeks that he started keeping drinks in our fridge here at the house.

He would come home from the store with two or three cases, and those would be gone in a few days. I tried to ignore it, but everytime I saw his bloodshot eyes, or the bottle in his hand, it worried me even more.

"Wh- oh yeah. Sorry mom. I was just thinking."

Chad gave me a look that said 'wrap this up now'. I nodded my head.

"Mo- Mom. Mom! I really have to go. I haven't even started on dinner yet and the kitchen stil needs cleaned."

I sighed as I realized she was going to go off on me about taking it easy again.

"I love you mom. We will come see you soon. Bye!"

I hung up before she could protest and placed the phone back on the counter. Chad walked past and picked it up before walking back upstairs with his drink. It didn't even phase me this time, because since the day he brought me home from the hospital, he has been taking my beaten and battered phone everywhere he goes. I'm truly shocked it survived the crash, cause I sure didn't.

He will only give it to me if my parents call, or someone he knows will get suspicious if I don't answer. I just hoped everyday that Harry wasn't trying to contact me or anything.


Obviously I would never say it out loud. Sometimes I even silently scold myself for thinking about it, but I miss him. I miss his family. I miss Liam and Sophia.

His family has been gone for probably a week or so now. It makes me sad I never got to say a proper goodbye to them.

I slowly begin moving around the kitchen, putting away the clean dishes and gathering ingredients to make dinner. I turned on the radio, making sure it wasn't loud enough to bother Chad.

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