Chapter 19

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Super short chapter, but it needed to be posted.


*Harry POV*

I got back in the car, defeated. No answer. No sounds. No visible movement. Nothing.

I started the car back up, turning the heater on high. I saw a car headed my way. I slowly started moving away from the house. I passed the car and watched in my rearview mirror as the car slowed down and turned into the driveway of Laney's house.

I breathed a small sigh of relief. Although it would have been nice to see Laney, having Chad show up while I was there is not a battle I want Laney to have to deal with.

Suddenly I could smell something burning. I looked around me, but I knew there wasn't another house for a few miles and besides the car I just passed, I was the only other car out here. I turned the heat down a bit, wondering if that was the problem. Just as I tried to push the gas pedal a little more, there was an awful sound, a sound no car should ever make, and then silence.

I tried to start the car up again. It clicked a few times and even made a small rumbling noise like it was trying to start, but I had no luck. I got out of the car, my whole body shivering from the cold. I pulled the hood up and a thick fog of smoke rose from the car.

After I stopped coughing and the smoke had settled a bit, I pulled my phone from the car and shined it on the engine. This was just my luck. I should have just went the normal way instead of clear out here.

I quickly dialed Liam as I got back in the car, searching for anything I could use for warmth.

"You've reached Liam at an indecent hour. Please hang up and try again between the hours of ten and ten."

"Liam you idiot. My car broke down. I need you to come get me."

Liam broke into a sleepy laughter and I pulled the phone away from my ear, also noticing it was nearly one in the morning.

"Okay I'll be there in a few. Where exactly are you?"

I could hear him walking around, probably gathering shoes and a coat, and putting a shirt on of course.

"Well that's the thing. I kind of decided to take a different route and I'm further away from the flat then normal."

I explained to him where I was and he gave me a short lecture which included telling me that I wasn't even going in the direction of the flat. After he promised he was headed out the door, we hung up and I was left to wait. 

I was pretty sure the inside of the car was just as cold as outside, so I put on the light jacket I found on the floor of the backseat and got out of the car. I figured I could walk around the car and maybe the movement would help me stay warm.

I walked my millionth lap around the car and looked down at my phone...again. It had been twenty minutes since I hung up the phone with Liam. He should be here by now. But of course, Liam is a very careful driver. And with the snow on the roads he is ten times worse.

I tried to tell him he needs to live a little and be a little daring with his driving, but he just laughed and told me his car was his baby and he didn't want to chance anything. He did have a really nice car actually.

I finally saw headlights in the distance. They were slowly coming towards me.

Come on Liam. I'm right here, just drive at a decent speed already.


I stopped moving. Everything stopped moving. Even the car driving towards me looked like it had stopped moving.

"What the hell was that?" I knew no one would hear or answer, but the words needed to come out.

I hadn't realized how close the car had gotten until it pulled right up next to me. After a few seconds of me not moving, Liam rolled down his window.

"Are you going to get in anytime soon? Or should I make a bed in the backseat and wait for you until mor-"


"What the! Shit! Was that a-" He stopped mid sentance and watched as I slowly nodded my head.

I opened my mouth, the sound coming from it just more than a whisper.



A.N. Okay so I know this is super short, but I wanted it to start and end this way. And if I tried to add anymore in between it would have dragged on more then it already does. I'll try and post the next chapter tomorrow or wednesday :)


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