Chapter 13

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People were yelling my name. Everyone was screaming. It sounded like there were people crying and frantically yelling orders.

"Laney! Laney! Can you hear us Laney?!"

More name calling. I tried to speak. Nothing. I tried just to open my mouth. Nothing. I tried to open my eyes to see who was calling me. Nothing. I tried to move any part of my body. Nothing.

"Laney if you can hear us, don't worry! We're going to get you out of here!"

I heard a loud crunching noise and the sound of scraping metal echoed in my ears. I tried to move again. Nothing.

Then suddenly, everything was silent. Everything was darker.


The annoying beeping of a machine woke me up. I slowly blinked my eyes open. Bright lights glared off of white walls. I attempted to move, feeling as if I hadn't moved in years. I groaned as the pain coursed throughout my body.

Another beeping noise sounded and the door flew open. A guy and a lady came in, looking at the machines and studying the wires hooked to me.

"Well good morning, or should I say evening?"

I gave the guy a confused look. What is he talking about? Who is he?

"Laney. My name is Dr. Samuels. I've been your doctor since you were brought here. This here is Lisa. She is your nurse today."

The lady smiled at me and said a polite hello.

"Do you remember what happened?"

Dr Samuels grabbed a stool and sat on it next to my bed. He opened a book and started writing some stuff down in it.

I tried to open my mouth to speak, but my throat felt dry and sore. The nurse must have noticed because she held a cup of water with a straw up to my mouth and let me take a drink. The cool water felt good, but it was a little hard to swallow.

I thought for a minute about the doctors question. Then shook my head. I couldn't really remember much, and my head was pounding with a massive migraine.

"Okay. Well you were in a car crash. The car flipped and landed on it's side. You were pinned under it. The weight of the crash caused some ribs to break and one of your lungs to collapse. You also broke your right arm."

My eyes widened at the doctors words. I suddenly remembered being in a car. I had been at the mall. And someone was taking me...home? No that's not it.

"We had to do two surgeries. One to fix your lung and the other to fix some of the bones. You also have some massive bruises and scrapes covering your body."

I looked down and saw a few bruises and scrapes on my arms. My right arm was in a cast and I groaned at the color. Pink. Really?!

"So we were able to fix you up pretty good. It will still be a few days before you can be discharged and then after that, you will need to have someone that can take good care of you for a few weeks until you can get back to a normal routine. I'm sure your husband can do that right?"

I nodded my head slowly. Everything was coming back now. I had been at the mall with Anne, Gemma, and Sophia. Chad's mom saw me and came and said she was going to take me to their house. Then she was getting angry at me while driving and she swerved a little to much to pass the one car.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

I cleared my throat a little so I could speak, but it still came out in a hoarse whisper.

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