His Burden

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"What to you mean our house?" asked England "This is MY house not OUR house" he pointed out.

"Ah so you haven't heard little brother" Scotland walked towards him. "We will be staying here for a short time"

"What? Why?"

"Because" Scotland stopped talking and thought for a moment. He shook his head and said "We can okay"

"I need an explanation!" Demanded England

"Shut the fuck up! We are family! Deal with it!" Scotland looked at the other countries who were staring at him. "Just" He was getting angry with himself. "Leave me alone for a while" Scotland began heading to the door when Ireland spoke up

"Big brother?" She went towards him.

"No Grainne, not the now" She stopped in her steps. Scotland exited the room slamming the door shut behind him.

"Sir" a maid came from a side door near the window "Mr Kirkland, sir." England stared at the door wondering what was wrong with his brother. He didn't want to let people know what he was thinking so he snapped out of it.

"Yes miss?" He turned to her

"I'm so sorry about that sir!" She apologized. "He just stormed in here, I tried to stop him but he seemed furious! He was muttering to himself when he came in. He went up to the window and pulled the curtains off the walls. and threw the down. I was going to call you but the housekeeper insisted I began cooking and leave master Scotland alone"

"It's okay it's not your fault" He sent the maid off and turned back to his siblings.

"You three, why are you here?" Wales stepped forward and answered.

"Well Iggy, We have no idea" He bluntly stated and smiled at his younger brother.


"He said we don't know are you death?!" North added.

"Shut it you git!"

"Don't speak to him that way!" they began arguing again.

"We were told by our bosses that if we had any questions we were to ask Scotland" Wales stopped them from fighting and they were listening again. "Now I think us three should be off now" He looked at the twins.


"No buts north, This is a important meeting after all" He smiled at the counties and took the twins's hands. "We shall see you again soon my friends" They all left leaving an unknown feeling in the air.

"Mr England" Japan began talking.

"Your family is hilarious!" America began laughing. "Any way that was way to centred on you time for the hero to shine!" A few maids began to tidy up the curtains. Francis noticed them immediately. He noticed their beauty of course.

"my, my England who knew there was such beauties here" The maids heard him and began giggling.

"Shut up you git!" He snapped his fingers and the maids hurried off with the curtains. "Now that thats over lets get this meeting started shall we" They all took their seats and began the meeting.

"Everyone is here correct?" Asked England.

"Feels like someone is missing" America wondered.

"...I...m...h..ere..." A small voice tried to speak up but know one heard.

"Never mind lets just get started" Germany said sighing.

In another room Scotland was sitting on a brown leather chair. He hair a glass of whiskey next to him and a cigarette in his hand. "Idiot" he muttered to himself. He had papers in front of him. they looked important. His eyes glanced at them. "Ugh" He stood up and walked over to the window. He could see Wales outside with his sheep. The twins were in the garden talking to something. it was too small to make out. They all seemed happy and at peace. He wondered what happened to his youngest brother. Why he was the way he was. "Man he pisses me off" He tutted. "Does he now?" He heard a voice. He spun around. It was a familiar voice.

A woman with long red hair and a Celtic dress stood before him. Scotland could feel his heart sink. She was beautiful like a goddess. He knew exactly whom she was. "Why are you here?" He felt like crying but was too full of pride to do so.

"Oh Scotland" She walked over to him and placed her hands on his cheeks. "I wish you didn't have this burden" He looked into her eyes. They were green but slightly darker than his. Just as he remembered them. "I wish your father didn't say-"

"It is fine" He took her hand off his cheeks and held them. "It's just a side effect of seeing magic beings" He looked away wanting to stop seeing her, but he couldn't.

"My son" She was being a lot more polite now that she was a ghost. "Do not worry about anything that has happened in the past. We can either learn from it or move on from it" She went up on her toes and kissed is fore head.

"Mother Britannia" He smiled at her.

"There's that smile I missed."

"I always smile?"

"A loving smile" He smiled at her again.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in" Scotland said letting go of his mothers hands. A butler came in with another glass of whiskey.

"I'm sorry it took so long sir" He placed the glass on the table and took the other one away.

"It's fine" Scotland picked it up and took a sip. It still didn't taste right. "English Whiskey is disgusting" He muttered quite loudly.

"Would you like something else sir?" Scotland looked into the glass.

"No, it will do, you may leave Johnston" He called him by his name.

"Of course sir" He left him alone.

"Calling them by their names?" She asked. She was now sitting in his chair.

"Their people too" He put the glass down and looked out of the window "Even if Arthur doesn't call them their names someone should"

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