No more

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Another chapter :O

I love writing this but I already know how I'm going to finish it

Not telling you when but... I don't know just read


side note: USUK or UKUS might/may not come into this.

It won't be anything full like: "He took his..."

You get what I'm meaning right?

There will be small, very small, parts though, so sorry if you ship Fruk or something else.

(To be honest I also ship FrUK a tiny bit)

"We will try again next time" Said a tired England waving off the countries at his front door. The meeting ended up in arguments, again. The counties all disappeared out of his sight and he shut his door. "Thank god their gone"
"Eh, thats not nice!" A familar voice complained behind him. England spun around to see America.
"W-why are you still here?!" He asked half shocked half annoyed.
"Duh! This is really interesting" America brought a hamburger out of his pocket and began eating it.
"What is?" England asked placing his hand on the door knob.
"Your brothers and sister! I wan't to get to know them!" He was really excited.

England Swung the door open and pointed outside "Leave!" He demanded.
"Aw, come on Iggy" England was beginning to get annoyed.
"Why are so many people calling me Iggy today?!"
"m-mr England, sir" a maid silently came in through another door
"WHAT?!" She jumped at him shouting
"Sorry miss, I didn't mean to yell. What is it?" He closed the door giving up which seemed to please America.
"Uhm, It's your brother"
"Which one?"
"Lord Scotland"
"He told someone to call him that sir"
"Alright what about that git?"
"One of your butlers went to go and give him another whiskey, but before he went in he heard Scotland talking to someone but when he went in no one was there. When he left he heard lord Scotland begin talking again, sir I'm a bit worried if he might of gone insane"
"He was always insane but I get your point, you me leave now. Oh! and thank that butler for informing you, what was his name?"
"Johnston, sir"
"Well tell Johnston I say thank you" She nodded and ran away.

America began to giggle and England glared at him "What?!" He snapped at America.
"Oh nothing, so are we going to go and see Scottie"
"Don't call him that" England looked annoyed again.
"Why? Are you jealous" America teased.
"No Al, I'm not. He just doesn't deserve it" England was looking somewhere, not at something, more like he was remembering something. "Not important lets go and see him"

In Scotland's room he sat on his chair again. He had his head tilted up looking at the ceiling although his eyes were closed. His mother, whom he could only see, Sat on the arm and was playing with his hair. "You know your father was always so fond of you, he still is" Scotland sighed.
"I don't want to reminisce about the past" He took another sip of the English whiskey.
"Why do you drink it if you hate it?" She asked. "Do you actually like it"
"OF COURSE NOT" he stood up throwing the glass against the wall. "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" He began yelling.
"Because I am" She smiled at him.
"Do you have any idea what this is like?! I have to see, see" He was so frustrated with himself. "THESE FUCKING EYES!" He reached for a knife.

At this point and time England and America had reached the door. England didn't understand what was wrong with his brother. This was the first he had heard about his eyes. he was very confused. He opened the door to see Scotland standing with a knife in front of his eye. "whats going on here?" England was quite scared, he didn't want America to know though.
"DISAPPEAR!" Scotland pointed the knife at mother Britannia, a part from America and England's view he was pointing at nothing.
"Is, is that England?" Britannia pointed at the skinny man with bushy eye brows. "It is" She ran past Scotland and over to him. "Oh how big he has gotten, and who is this?" She looked at America "Would this be the young America? I have heard so much about him up there" She seemed happy. Scotland was still pissed.

"STOP!" He yelled again. He took the knife to his eye again preparing to stick it inside. Britannia spun around. She couldn't do anything.
"Please Scotland..." She said.
"BROTHER STOP!" Scotland stopped. His eyes were wide open. He looked to his side and saw England running towards him. He pushed Scotland over toppling down onto the floor. "STOP YOU FOOL!" England shouted at his brother. Scotland just lay there. He felt numb. The knife was on the floor. America stared in shock, as did mother Britannia. America had never seen England like that. England was shaking. Scotland could feel him. He took his hand and put it on his youngest brothers head. It was as soft as he remembered it. England's personality had changed but Scotland was glad something stayed the same. England stopped shaking and felt strange. Why was his brother being kind to him? He didn't remember Scotland ever being nice to him. If only he knew.

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