Seeing The Dead

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Don't worry this is Hetalia, comedy will be in this.

Well, the sort of comedy I have.

Any ways enjoy!

Scotland sat up making his younger brother slide off him. England sat on his knees in between Scotland's legs. They were older but England for some reason looked quite young. He wasn't saying anything. Scotland stared at him. "Well that's a first" He said looking at England. "You called me your brother" England looked back at him

"What of it?" He asked sharply.

"Nothing really" He slid past the topic.

England looked back at the knife. He looked at America who was stunned with silence, for a change. "Scotland what did you mean you didn't want to see anymore?" England asked him.

"Well" Scotland sighed standing up again. "Must you know?" He put his hand out to help England up.

"I did ask you git" He used Scotland's hand to get up.

"You know how we can see them magic creature things" He turned and went back over to his chair.

"What of it?"

"You may be all happy with your fairies and such but I'm not"

"How come? Aren't they our friends?" America just stood there not sure what to say.

"I carry a burden on my shoulders, from being the first born"

"What is it?"

"The dead"

"THE DEAD?! LIKE GHOSTS! SO COOL!" America ran over to Scotland excited "Are you like some sort of ghost hunter! Man that's so cool! Much cooler than you Arthur!" He burst out laughing.

"Shut it you wee shite" Scotland snapped. "Do you have any idea what it's like to see people who have passed on, to be visited by them, feeling guilt from them?!"

England wondered who he saw which made him so angry. A past enemy? No it wouldn't of been that, he wouldn't of felt guilty.

"Who did you see?" England asked. Scotland's scowl faded.

"Our mither" He stood up and walked to the window.

"Mother Britannia? You saw her?" Scotland didn't reply. He just looked at his brother, Wales, whom was playing with his sheep.

"Who?" asked America.

"You haven't met her, she is our mother"

"Well" Scotland spoke up "According to some people your not her son."

"I am so" England argued back.

"Well she visited me" He faced his annoyed younger brother "In fact she is still here" He pointed towards the door.

"Scotland..." She sighed.

"There?" Asked England. Scotland nodded.

England didn't meet his mother. Only Ireland,Scotland and Wales have. England was too young to remember her. She can be a tsunadere at times, but she grew into a kind and caring mother.

"Scotland I must go" She told him as England got closer to her.

"Good" Scotland replied.

"What did she say?" Asked England. Mother Britannia walked over to England and said

"I love you my sweet" She began to fade and smiled at Scotland. "Don't feel guilt"

"Nothing important, just that she loves you, that's all" Scotland went towards the door and held it open.

"Now will you tae shites get oot o ma room!" He spoke very Scottish.

"What?" America asked.

"He asked us to leave" England translated.

"Dinny you get cheeky you wee twat"

"For a while you were speaking proper there"

"Maners you wee shite, noo get gan" England rolled his eyes and took America by the arm. They both left Scotland alone.

Scotland slammed the door behind them. He put his back against it and slid down to the floor. He buried his head in his legs. "Dinny cry you shite" He told himself.

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