His Independence

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Another woo! 

By the way are you wanting any ships that aren't in this, like shipping one of the other siblings with another country? Like I don't know: Prussia x Ireland? Or Wales x Canada? Ask and I will think about it! Anyways, enjoy!

"The other idiot?" Asked papa Celt.

"Someone who England brought up himself" Scotland explained watching for them.

"You mean that Ameri-"

"DON'T YELL! I TOLD YOU I'M TRYING TO DO WO-" England had stormed outside with America following him, eating a burger. He stopped mid sentence and noticed papa Celt. England was too young to fully remember Papa Celt. Suddenly Seamus and Grainne ran around the corner.

"What's going on-" She noticed him as well. Seamus didn't actually know Papa Celt as he came around when England was older (even though he is thought as older than England) "Papa?" She stared at him. Papa Celt burst out laughing at Grainne.

"My how beautiful you have gotten! And whos this? Is this ma ither son!" He went over to them and hugged them both tightly. "Isn't this a great day" Grainne wanted to cry but simply took a hold of North's hand. Celt let both of them go and turned back to a smoking Scotland, a smiling wales, a american and... He took a look at England. He wasn't able to spend much time with him when he first came into the world.

England could feel those dreaded tears beginning to form on his eyes. His father, the one he had wanted to see for so long. "E-England?" Asked america unsure what was going on. England didn't bat an eye. Papa Celt began to walk towards him. Grainne and North went to stand next to Wales. She still wasn't happy with Wales but she ignored it for the moment.

"Look at ee" Papa Celt managed to say. "Yar blonde hair and such, different from us right" He cackled. England felt the tears streaming, he didn't wail though. They just fell from his eyes to the floor. Papa Celt stopped laughing and noticed him. He took his song and hugged him tightly. He wanted to cry as well but he knew he couldn't, showing weakness wasn't his thing.

America wasn't sure on what to do so he just awkwardly stood there. "Didn't Scotland raise you better?" Papa Celt laughing trying to cheer him up.

"Sorry" England let go wiping his eyes. "I just-"

"I get it" Papa Celt smiled at him.

"I did try by the way" Scotland spoke up "However this edjit didney obey" He gave a glare at England. At that moment England saw the resemblance of Scotland and papa Celt. They were so a like, it made him jealous. He was too old for childish behavior but he wish he was more like his father.

"Well who would want to be like you anyway, you git!" England snapped back.

"Shut it you" Scotland snarled making England feel small.

"Who are you?" asked America finally making some noise, it was weird for him to stay quiet.

"I'm their father, call me papa Celt" He smiled at the American. "So your the one that left my son" America suddenly felt scared of this man, he knew he wasn't to be dealt with.

"Eh, I, I just-" Papa Celt went back to laughing again. It made America relieved.

"Geed on ya! Take that independence and live on it"

"YEAH!" America cheered. Celt was amazed with this loud, modern boy, he liked him though.

Independence ran through Scotland's mind. It reminded him of his boss. He snapped out of it by Grainne grabbing his hand. "Big brother, why is father here?" She asked remembering that Scotland can see the dead.

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