A Sibling Quarrel

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I thought I'd tell you I have a roleplay instagram account.

If you want to check it out  its: Mavisisnotdead

Also I do sort of ship ScotEng which I forgot to mention.

I know incest blah blah blah

not important, I mean have you seen Ouran highs chool host club?

Anyway enjoy!

Ireland was outside when she noticed all the sheep. She hadn't really noticed them before as she was used to them. "I wonder if Wales is around" She thought aloud. She ran around the side of England's house and spotted him. He was gardening? What? The sheep were surrounding him as usual. There wasn't any dragons she could spot but there might be one around.

"Hey Wales" She startled him and he looked at her. "Sorry I thought you would of spotted me" She lied. She tended to find Wales quite boring now. He used to be quite close with Ireland when his personality was different, but now it was a different story. She got along with him but always did small things to see if he would change.

"It is alright" He smiled at her not changing.

"What ya doing?" She asked petting on of his sheep.

"Just gardening"

"But this is England's house" she questioned him.

"I enjoy it" He continued to garden. she sighed and sat on the grass, still petting a sheep.

"Why are we here England?" she asked him. He suddenly stopped. did she do it? Did she break him?

"I-I don't actually know" He stood up straight and ran his fingers through his hair. Wales didn't like not understanding this. He usually blends into the background but he liked to understand what he was doing, other wise there wasn't a point.

"I thought it was maybe a family thing but it doesn't seem that way, I mean Scotland had an outburst" She remembered. Ireland was secretly watching him and England. She heard it all.

"I even heard that" He sighed. "I don't know Ireland, I don't" He walked over to her and sat beside her. Suddenly Y Ddraig Goch appeared. The small red dragon sat on wales's shoulder.

"And how have you been?" Ireland tickled it underneath its chin.

"That reminds me Ireland why are you here?" Asked wales as the dragon flew on to her lap.

"Rude" She tutted.

"Your independent now right? Why do you bother with England if you left him?" He asked being serious.

"I don't actually hate him or anything, your still my family"

"Why don't you join him again? It would make him feel much more happy"

"No! I mean I love you guys and all but my independence was for my people, they needed it."

"How come you don't hate North for not sticking with you?" Ireland was getting annoyed so stood up making the dragon fall off of her lap.

"What ever! What is this 20 questions?" That isn't important. She huffed and turned her back to him and walked away. "You don't know anything! You boring old idiot!"

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