4th of July

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Another chapter!

I was reading over these chapters and noticed how short they are D:

Wow I'm so mean to you guys for writing so little :(


Also this was written on 4th of July, so yeah

Inside America was bored so he was hunting for something interesting around the house. England had to do some paper work so told America to either go home or find something to do. He was just walking around the hall looking in every room he passed.

He had found many rooms from the cleaning storage to three bathrooms. He suddenly spotted him, one of England's brothers he met earlier. "Just stay away from my siblings!" he remembered England instructed him. He shook his head to push England's commands to the side, as he always did. He went over to the Irishman and smiled at him warmly.

"Hi, my names America, but you can call me Alfred" He introduced himself. The Irishman just looked blankly at him.

"My names Norther Ireland, either call me North or Seamus" He spoke in monotone. He couldn't be bothered with this bright, cold character from over seas.

"Well Seamus, nice to meet you" America laughed. Seamus smirked at this country. He was so happy all of the time he then remembered something. Something that he had kept a secret to himself for a long time. He didn't even tell his sister, whom he was very close to.


It was the beginning of July, the 4th to be exact. It was also the year 1999. Seamus was at England's house as his was being fixed from..well it was old. He arrived at England's house a few days before he saw what happened to England. England hadn't really been speaking to him, he seemed depressed or that something was wrong. Seamus knew which day was coming up but he didn't really think on it.

On July 4th Seamus was drinking a pint of Guinness and it was noon. The rugby was on, it wasn't a live game. He enjoyed it though. Taking another sip the phone began ringing. England wasn't picking up. Seamus looked at the phone as it vibrated on the table. A maid appeared and answered it. "Hello, this is Sir England's house, how may I help you?" She asked. Seamus watched the young girl on the phone. "Oh, Mr Alfred" She seemed surprised "You want to talk to Sir England, well, I, eh" She seemed panicked so Seamus got up to help her. He tapped her on the back making her jump. "lord-" Seamus put his hand over her mother, silenting his name. He took the phone off of her. As he did he noticed she was blushing so he removed his hand.

"bro-" he stopped himself this time and started again. "Mr Arthur is unavailable right now, I'm so sorry" He put on a fake English accent. America believed it.

"Oh, alright, so he isn't coming this year either?" Seamus didn't understand so asked.

"Coming where sir?"

"To my party, you know 4th of July" It was his independence party. Seamus looked at the maid who didn't know how to respond.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr Alfred but Mr Arthur has come down with a terrible cold, you know what it is like here in England. It always rains" He continued with his fake accent.

"Is he alright? Shall I come see him-"

"No it's perfectly fine, he has many servants to take care of him. Also you have only ever been to his flat in the city, his real house is out in the countryside, outside of London. So you don't know where he lives and it would waste far too much time. I'd also hate to spoil your day"

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