Letters to my family

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Inside the mansion, Wales, Ireland, North, Papa Celt and America sat in the living room. They were sitting in silence. A maid walked into the room. She was carrying a silver platter with four envelopes on it. Wales noticed her walk in and stood to welcome her. "Wales, sir" She gestured towards a envelope which read "Wales". He had a quick glance at the other three. They each read "England" "Ireland" and "Northern Ireland". "Northern Ireland, sir" North stood up, smiling at the made making her blush at the young country.

"Thank you" He took it from her looking at the envelope.

"Miss Ireland" Ireland wasn't as fast as the other two to get up. She hesitated at first but managed to get to her feat. Shakily, she took the envelope, and like the others simply stared at it. "And Mr England" She turned to America. "Where is Mr England?" Asked the maid.

"He is in his office" America spoke up.

"Ah, thank you" The maid hurried out of the room. America stared at the frozen three. "What is it?" He asked.

"A-A letter" Ireland spoke up, her eyes not leaving the envelope.

"From our bosses" North finished off.

"Well go on, open it then" America's curiosity was at a high level.

The ripping of the envelopes was all to be heard. Each of them looked at the typed letter. Wales was the first to read his. He looked seriously at his text, studying it.

"Dear Wales,

I wanted to tell you all, I did, I just didn't know how you would all take it. Especially you since we have been together the longest. I sent this letter to your boss so he could give it to you before I see you. I could go on about those competitions we used to have to see who was more like dad, it was a fun time. Things have gotten serious though. My people have began to get angry again, I mean they're Scots but not like this. Some want it but some don't. You are probably confused on what I'm saying but...my people are having a independence vote. No war, no fighting, just politics. Being the way you are now I'm not sure how you will react. I mean if you have anything left in you from what you were back then, you may try to fight me. Or you'll maybe simply ignore me, like you did to Grainne when she first became independent. Who knows maybe nothing will change.

This is where i need to get serious though. You will be the eldest. If I do become independent I probably won't get to see any of you for a while. I want you to care for Grainne and North, oh and Arthur. I know your thinking they can take care of themselves, but having someone you can go to or fight with is one of the best feelings there is. I also know you and Grainne don't get along well but she will want to see me so I want you to try and patch things up until we can get back to normal. I may be asking for to much but please? It's all I ask brother. We've had a laugh over our years as brothers. Don't get me wrong, we'll still be brothers, yet not in the same way.

signed Scotland (yer older brither)"

Wales stared at it, not knowing what to think. His eyes turned to his siblings. Grainne had been watching his reaction which had started as his usual expression to shocked, scared and as if he was calling out for help.

Next was North. He didn't even notice Wales. He was reading his already.

"Dear North,

Hey brother, I'm going to tell you something but I'm not sure how yo'll take it. You may joke about it to get over it or drink through it. Basically my people are wanting a vote for independence. It could go either way. I'm not sure. Before you break something, there's something (someone) I want to talk to you about. I'm pretty sure you know already who it is." 

North suddenly stopped reading and looked towards his concerned sister. She was still watching Wales, whilst playing with a strand of her hair. North felt himself smile but shook it off. He continued to read, seriously.

"Grainne. You have always been close to her, even with the circumstances. I get the feeling that if I become independent she will go one of two ways. She will either be so happy for me and want to party with me, a lot, or she will become a much quieter character. If she does she will need someone to look after her. It would of been someone older to hold her like a baby. I did ask Wales but I don't know if he will be up to it. I need you to help her if she does go that way. Keep her smiling, she always was smiling.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm sad I might be leaving you. Our drinking games were the best, Russia couldn't touch us! I do wish to go out again, but it may not be for a long time. I'm sorry.

Signed Scotland (Yer older brither)"

North smiled at the end part, making himself want to cry, yet he couldn't. He folded up his letter and stuffed it into his pocket. His eyes drew to the other two. Wales was making his way over to Grainne. Grainne was shaking, holding her letter, not opened.

"Grainne, you can do it" North spoke up.

"What is it?" Asked America.

"Nothing, just a shopping list" North smiled at Grainne making her nod in agreement.

"Eh? Let me see!" America moaned.

"No I want to read it alone!" She snapped making her father jump and America sit back down.

"Dear Ireland,

Hello my dear your sister. Being the only female left in this fucked up family it must be tough. There's also the issue of you being the only independent one. Well actually that last one may change. My people are having a independence vote. Before yo come running to find me I want you to know you are my darling little sister, a bonny lass at that, and I want you to remember that you are brave enough to survive on your own. That is the point of independence isn't it? You were strong enough to defeat our blonde, idiot of a brother. Even his American idiot was able to do it. You will be okay, trust me. Who knows I may not even get it. However if I do I won't be able to see you all for a while. You will have to survive with out me.

Do you remember when you visited me a while after you first met England? You insisted I was nicer to your younger brother. I always wondered why I treated you and Wales differently from the way I treat that bugger. I still can't wrap my head around it. But Grainne, Grainne, Grainne, you are my bonny lass who could take on the seas if she wished. The world is your page and you should continue to write your amazing story. Don't let anyone, even me, stop you. I never say it but I do love you too, you big soft lump.

signed Scotland (Yer older brither)"

She felt herself tear up. "S-Scotland" She could barely say. Wales went over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. He wanted to do as Scotland asked, not sure how to though. "SCOTLAND!" She wailed into his chest, hugging his waist. Wales stroked her hair, her long ginger hair.

"Grainne..." North sighed at his older sister. Celt stood up and went over to North. He whispered something into his ear. North stared at him.

"Are you sure?" Asked North staring at his father. He nodded and smiled leaving the scene. America and Wales noticed the action.

"Where's he going?" asked America.

"To see our brother, our eldest brother, before he has to leave."

England's letter was on the table. He stared at it. not knowing what to say. "W-Why..." He cried silently to himself. The envelope was crumpled up in a corner. "Y-Your my brother..." He felt his heart ache. "Why?..."

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