javid-bets & dancing

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     Currently, I'm sitting in the middle of the dance floor, in a circle formation with some of my friends. These people include Race, Spot, Albert, Elmer, Specs, Romeo, Katherine, Sarah and my longtime cru- best friend. We were on a fifteen minute break, and of course, my friends being absolute goons as normal, decided that it was a good idea to make some bets for our upcoming partner dance. 

     "Alright, I'll start us off!" Race practically yells with that devious smirk he has whenever he's making bets.

     "No ya don'. I ain't lettin' ya take our money just yet, kitten." Spot, who is Race's boyfriend, declared, pulling the curly haired boy into his lap. When he had said the little pet name for Racer, Spot was lightly, yet very seductively whispering in Race's ear. He looks at the group, smirking, and he announces "I'm starting us off..."

     And that's where I decided to stop listening. I knew things were about to get to crazy as soon as I saw that smirk on Spot's face. It's true, I'm surrounded by idiots. I start to slightly lean on Jack, pretty tired of all these bets. After a few minutes, though, I hear Jack say something that catches my attention.

     "I bet that Albert and Elmer will do the do sometime before the week ends." His calming, yet rough voice says. He nods his head over to the mentioned couple. Elmer is snuggled up in Albert's lap, bright red from something his lover said most likely.

     "Nah. There's no way that's gonna happen. Lil Elmie is too innocent." Race interjects, laughing at Jack.

     "Wanna bet on it?" Jack 

     "You know it!"

     "How much?"

     "Oh Jackie boy, we ain't bettin' money this time. If I win, you and Davey here gotta do the parter dance togetha, and do a dance of my choosing!" Race says with a smirk. I instinctively move closer to Jack.

     "Deal, but if I win, yous gotta call Spot "daddy" every time ya talk to him fer four weeks!" Jack laughs, and he wraps an arm around me. I laugh at how red Race becomes at that statement, leaning into Jack's touch while doing so.     

     "Alright! Break time's over kids! Get up, and let's start back up!" Our dance teacher, Mrs. Medda calls out, smiling.

~~Fast Forward Two Weeks~~

     God damn it Race. He always wins any bet he makes. Jack and I had to recreate a romantic dance for him. We have been practicing for about a week, and now's the day that we actually perform it.. I was shaking a tiny bit, staying close to Jack. Words truly can't describe how nervous I am. What if I mess up? What if the other classmates don't approve? What if Jack realized my crush and he hates me? What if, What if, WHAT IT?! There were millions of questions running through my brain. 

     I'm dragged back into reality when I feel Jack's arms around me. Apparently, I was shaking a lot more than I thought I was, and he felt the need to comfort me. I lean on Jack, unable to fight the urge of smiling. The next thing I know, he's stroking my hair while I bury my face on his shoulder. Then came the moment I was dreading...

     "Alright!! Up next is Jack and David! Dancing to an arrangement of A Heart Full Of Love from Les Misérables!!" Mrs. Medda said joyfully. Before I can start to freak out, Jack just takes both of my hands, kissing each one of them.

     "You'll do great, Davey..." He says in a calming voice. I can't help but blush, but this definitely calms me down. We step into the middle of the dance room, and get into our starting positions. I give our teacher a nod, and the music starts to play.

~~Um, yer author doesn't know shit about dance, so uhhh........sKIP oVER iT~~

     At the end of the dance, Jack and I froze in our position. This was Jack holding me close to his chest, our noses almost touching, and I had my arms wrapped around Jack's neck. I hear our classmates start to cheer and applaud, and then Jack's lips are on mine. My eyes are wide with shock, but I quickly lean into the kiss, my eyes gently fluttering closed. 

     When Jack pulls away, I blush and quickly rush out of the center, bringing Jack with. I look at him, quietly asking, "Wh-what was that...?" The wide smile on my face proves that I'm not upset with what happens. Before Jack gets the chance to respond, Race and Spot walk up to us, both smirking.

     "That, that there, was pretty close to beauty at it's finest. Only thing that could beat that is Spotty and I in the be-" Race is cut off by Spot clapping a hand over his mouth before he finishes his thought. Race gently bats away Spot's hand, but doesn't continue what he's saying. Jack rolls his eyes, and drags me somewhere else in the room. 

     "Again...what w-was that...?"

     "You know damn well what is was, Davey." Dammitdammitdammit. He has that damn smirk on his face. I feel my cheeks start to warm up, a blush spreading across my cheeks. 

     "I know, I know...but...why...?"

     "Ever thought that I liked ya back?" I froze for a moment, my eyes going wide.

     "B-back...?" I stutter, really hoping that my crush on him wasn't THAT obvious. Of course, though, the universe wasn't on my side.

     "You don't think that yer crush on me was hidden, did you?"  He laughs a bit, and I look down, "Well, anyways, I do, in fact, like you back. And if you want to, and only if you want to, I would like to be yer boyfriend."

     "I...I...Yes!!! I would love for you to be my boyfriend, oh my god!" I instantly hug Jack, and smile when I feel him hug back. I gaze into his eyes, and grab him by the shirt, pulling him into a kiss. Jack kisses back, leaning into the kiss. I wrap my arms around his waist, and he wraps his arms around my neck. 

     "Alright, boys, that's enough PDA for tonight," Mrs. Medda says, causing me to pull away from Jack quickly, flustered and embarrassed.     


     Alright guys, that's it. Also, this tooth-rotting fluff is to make up for an angsty fic I have in the making. Also, if I have any Les Mis fans out there, I have a Marius/Enjolras pic that I'm writing. Also on the topic of that musical, I am currently in it! And I started sobbing during rehearsal during Empty Chairs at Empty Tables.

     okay, okay, enough about me.

   1049 words



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