sprace-books in bed

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(Race's POV)
     Currently, I'm curled up on Spot and I's bed, reading another book. My seventh book today, to be exact. This was just my daily schedule. I always stayed home, while Spot went to work. I cant say that I don't feel guilty about it, but Spot refuses to let me try and get a job. He says it's because someone needs to keep the house clean and cook, but I know it's because I can't handle the psychological stress having a boss and having to deal with people who could say or do anything to me.

     I'm not complaining, though. I have to admit, I'm a huge nerd, and thoroughly enjoy when I get to read all day. I am on page 169 of Les Misérables, and I'm wearing Spot's hoodie, which is like, 5 sizes to big to me. Not only is Spot taller, but he has a lot of muscle, while I am a lanky weakling. I have to set down my book just to smell the hoodie I'm in because it smells like my husband; Roses, Vanilla, and Cinnamon. I don't know why, but he always has that distinct smell. It's probably his shampoo or something.

     After several more hours of reading, I check the time. 10 o'clock PM. 2 hours until Spot arrives. He had to work for 2 co-workers today, so he had to take on three shifts, making him come home at midnight instead of 5PM. I suddenly remember he had told me to make sure I ate, which reminds me that I haven't eaten anything today. I'll grab something once I finish this chapter.. Yeah, that doesn't happen.

     I get so into my book that I don't here the door open, or Spot ironically yelling "HONEY I'M HOME!" The only time that I even recognize that someone else is in the house is when I feel a pair of strong arms around me. I go to scream, but I then recognize the pair of arms, and the delightful smell surrounding me.

     "Hi Spotty." I lean back against the figure behind me, smiling lazily. He chuckles, and runs a hand through my curls.

     "Hey Tony. Mind explaining why you're still awake?" Spot says with a tone that makes him sound like a strict parent, but also with a hint of humor in the tone as well.

     "M'not tired.." I mumble with a little shrug. I can hear him sigh, and suddenly, I'm right up against his chest, with his hand cupping my cheek.

     "Mmhm...sure. Anyways, what did you have to eat today?"

      "I..uh...I didn't have anything to eat.." I fiddle around with my hands, avoiding eye contact with him.

     "And why not?"

     "Lost track of time.." I don't feel like using full sentences. It makes me seem more like an adult, which I don't want to admit to being. I'm only 24. Adulthood can kiss my ass.

     "What were you doing from 6 in the morning to midnight that caused you to loose track of time, Antonio?" Spot says, his voice showing nothing other than seriousness.

     "Reading..." With this response, I hear a chuckle from my husband. That's a good sign.

     "God, Tony, you're such a nerd.." Spot presses a kiss on my forehead, causing me to giggle and snuggle up to him.

     "Yea, but I'm your nerd."

     "That's true." He then picks me up like a mother does to her child, resting me on his hip. I wrap my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck as he continues, "Alright, Cutie, you've gotta eat."

     "Can't I just eat in the morning..?" I whine, biting the sleeve of my, well, Spot's hoodie. Spot gently bats my hand away from my mouth, contemplating what to say. I then decide to quickly add,"I'll even have a full meal and everything..! I swear!"

     "Alright, fine, but from now on, I'm gonna call you to remind you to eat."

     I just nod, smiling a ton. Spot sets me back down on the bed, and lays down next to me. I move in between his legs, leaning back against his chest. I grab my book, starting to read again. Every so often, I'll glance up at Spot to see him reading a book of his own. Eventually, I give up on reading, and just watch him, mindlessly chewing on my sleeve again. Just a nervous tick of mine. He looks so handsome like this; with his eyebrows just slightly furrowed as he focuses on the words on the page, and the way he can seem so calm and collected, while also not seeming stoic.

     He looks down at me, and gently takes my hand to stop me from chewing my sleeve, "Stop that. You've got nothing to be anxious about. Alright? I've got you.." I nod in response. Spot sets his book down, and loops his arms around my waist as I yawn, "Now, Get some sleep. We both need it."

     And with those words, my eyes lightly flutter shut. At the end of the day, the only thing that truly matters is Spot and I, cuddled up in bed, holding each other like we are each other's prized possessions.. which we are.

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