Right, Not Crazy (Anti)

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I (kinda) based this off of a scene in Detroit: Become Human because it's my favourite game at the moment. Also, there will be more stuff coming that was inspired by DBM, so you won't have to wait another month for me to post, hopefully.

Premise: Anti goes out at night to make a scene in an attempt to get people to understand him. However, it doesn't go the way he hoped.

"I am free!" Anti bellowed out in the empty street, holding his arms out with glee. For a moment, the lights in every house on the street turned off, leaving him consumed in darkness. They all came back on at the exact same time, but flickered sporadically in his attempt to draw everyone's attention to him.

He knew it worked, because multiple people looked out their windows, wondering what was going on. His eyes gleamed at the fear and confusion in their eyes.

Finally, people could see him. This was his chance to show people that he was someone to be taken seriously. He was someone to be feared. They were going to see things his way, and a smile played on his lips at the thought.

Anti dropped his hands, and the lights continued to act as normal. The whole street was silent and empty, and he knew he had to say something.

So, he cleared his throat, took a deep breath, and started. "What? Is no one going to try and stop me?" He turned around to look at the rest of the houses, seeing people duck away from their windows as his line of vision crossed them. His smile dropped as he looked in one the windows of a house; someone was dialing a number on their phone. He assumed it was the police, as he didn't want to take chances.

He waved his hand toward the house, and it was plunged in darkness. He heard a high-pitched scream, as the person realized that she couldn't do anything against him. He then turned back around, not thinking twice about the livelihood of the people around him. "Come on, you can do better than that! Face me!"

Everything stayed quiet. He huffed out a breath, his eyes turning cold. "Fine. You're so boring." He said as his hands that were loosely gripping the gun in his back pocket reluctantly let go. His body lurched forward, nearly losing his balance. He grit his teeth. "Don't stop me Jack if you know what's best for you." He whispered so only he could hear.

Anti straightened himself, acting as if he was putting on a performance. "Look at all of you! You're so stupid, living under this false hope! Thinking that if you just wait long enough, everything will be okay! Everything will have a happy ending..." He began to walk down the middle of the road.

"You'll just watch as someone is suffering in front of your eyes and later act like you didn't see what was happening. You look up blindly to your leader, your role model, as if he's a hero! Well, I'm here to tell you the truth! He's not a hero! He's not even worthy to be called good person. He's just as bad you. You people, who pay no attention to the victims in all of this. Who just act like the world is full of hope and positivity when right in front of you is someone who is being tortured... beaten into submission and broken over and over again... slowly losing your sanity as your 'hero' tells you that everything is okay and that I'm the fucking bad guy!"

All the emotions Anti was feeling came out in those words, and he inhaled and exhaled shakily. He felt Jack, deep down, trying desperately to come out, but failing as Anti kept his control over Jack's body. It wasn't Jack's body anymore. It was Anti's, and he wasn't going to give it up this easily.

The silence was loud in his head, and Anti shut his eyes tight, as if that would stop all of the thoughts invading his mind. They won't listen to you. They think you're crazy.

"I'm not crazy... I'm right." He whispered, attempting to shove the doubtful thoughts away.

But, as the sound of the police sirens got louder, he almost wished the silence would stay. Many police cars turned onto the road that Anti stood in the middle of. Someone must have called the police when he wasn't paying attention.

Cops left their vehicles with guns in their hands. "We know you have a weapon! Drop it now!" They pointed their own guns at him, and he thought about how ironic the officer's order was.

But, how did they know he had a... then it came to him; Signe called the police. She must have, because she was the only who knew he had a gun on him. He resisted cursing out, regretting not killing her when he had the chance. In his moment of realization, he barely heard the same cop from before threatening him to put down his gun. Slowly, Anti pulled the weapon from his pocket, holding it by the handle, staring at it thoughtfully.

"Drop the gun and put your hands up!" The cop ordered once again, still pointing his gun at him. Anti considered shooting him, but that would stupid. It was either submitting to them and then going to jail, or dying by the hands—or, in this case, bullet—of one of the other policemen.

Anti still held the gun in his grasp, and started walking toward the policemen. They continued to threaten him until he stood a few feet away from the annoying cop that kept telling him what to do. He switched his focus to the people in the house. A few of them watched from the windows, but most had their lights off. They'll just pretend like nothing happened in the morning.

"Put down your gun or we will shoot!" The cop said.

For some reason, Anti wanted to laugh. Maybe it was because of how stupid he was to think his ridiculous plan would work. Or maybe it was because it was amusing how the officer thought he was afraid of death. Either way, Anti refrained from bursting out in laughter.

He glanced down at the gun in his hand, then gripped it tightly with determination. He wasn't going to submit when he knew what he was doing was the right thing. Instead of dropping it, Anti slowly lifted it up, his hand on trigger, until the barrel was against his own temple.

"No," he said simply. Anti was in control, and, even though Jack pleaded and begged in his mind not to do it, he pulled the trigger and felt a sharp, unbearable pain before everything became nothing.

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