Where Loyalties Lie

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Premise: Marvin and Anti have a conversation.
Warning(s): Second-degree burns, manipulation
Word Count: 4477

The magician twisted the silver ring on his finger, around and around, waiting. He sat on a large rock and tapped his foot on the ground in quick, repetitive motions. The forest paid no mind to him. He was a small spec in a world of giants; nothing in the grand scheme of everything. But he liked to take notice of the sounds—the birds chirping and flapping their wings, the warm autumn leaves crinkling in the soft wind, the squirrels running all over the place and looking for food before the harsh, bleak winter season came.

A bird squawked above him—a raven—and his whole body jumped in response to the unexpected noise. And he remembered that although he enjoyed the sounds of nature, he couldn't help but be on edge today. He continued fidgeting with his ring, unable to stay still for more than a single moment. It was a present Jack generously gave to him a while ago. Although he had appreciated it back then, he wondered if wearing it now was not in his best interest. It wasn't like the piece of jewelry was obvious, but he wanted this conversation to go as smoothly as possible. Him being associated with Jack in any sort of positive way would be best avoided.

The wind was beginning to kick up. Goosebumps formed on Marvin's exposed arms. He should have dressed better for the weather. Maybe he should go home. Lie and say the weather was too bad and he would plan this for another day. It probably wouldn't even be a big deal. This was supposed to be a conversation.

He lowered his head, knowing he was lying to himself. Days before, he was learning new spells and practicing them until they were perfect, or as close to perfect as he could possibly get. That was the first time he ever took "real" magic so seriously, instead of he usual tricks he performed in magic shows. He had to learn to protect himself in case things went south today. This was not just a conversation, but a tipping of the scales. Every word he would say was memorized in his head after being recited countless times in the mirror. He did everything in his power to make sure this wouldn't go wrong. His own life and sanity was on the line.

The building dread in the pit of his stomach would not go away, and in fact only got worse as time went on. He should have practiced his magic more, or not have made the meeting spot in the middle of a giant forest, or just not have come out here at all. Despite his determined attempts to control this situation and all its potential outcomes, he still felt like a helpless rabbit, aware of the predator that stalked toward him but powerless to do anything about it. The wolf was mere centimetres from ripping his throat out, bloody fangs glinting in the light and hot breath smothering him, suffocating him. He could do nothing to prevent the inevitable. Instead, he had to live in regret for putting himself in this situation until the last remaining moments of life were torn from his grasp.

A subtle but harsh sound came from behind him before he was pushed forward, his carpet of safety ripped out from beneath his feet. He was forced harshly to his hands and knees. A shooting pang raced up his arms and dirt collected under his nails from the impact of the fall.

There was another sound, like that of TV static, but it only lasted for a second. Even without seeing it, Marvin could feel the tingling sensation of the static all over his skin, raising the tiny hairs on his arms and legs. The same hand that pushed him trailed its fingers up his neck with light precision, and continued through his hair before pulling away. The numb, ticklish feeling only got more aggressive and uncomfortable from the touch.

"What did you bring me all the way out here for, cat?" Anti's voice contrasted directly with the gentle movements of his fingers. It was strange, unnerving, how instantly he could switch back and forth between his aggressive nature and those tender, careless action that surfaced in seemingly arbitrary moments. It was like he was the trying to calm him down, although it did exactly the opposite.

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