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A/N: Here's a sneak peek for the next chapter of my main story, Ego. I just thought it fit too well to not post for the 3-year anniversary of Kill Jacksepticeye. If you like these oneshots then you will definitely like Ego. Basically... please read my story.

Jack lost track of time long ago. He could not remember how long he had been in this room. He felt like he had to stay, that leaving was somehow dangerous.

Every minute he spent in this place, the weaker he felt, like it was stealing every last morsel of energy he had. He had trouble finding the point of even getting up from the floor. JJ, the dapper fellow, was outside somewhere but even that didn't prompt him to try and escape.

Hour after hour after hour alone and hopeless affected him in the worst way possible. He couldn't remember how he got here, or even why, but it didn't matter at this point.

'SEE YOU SOON,' was written on the blackboard. Nothing else. The ominous message did nothing to scare him, if that was the goal. Or perhaps it was just a notice. A reminder that they would meet up eventually, Jack and whoever the messenger was.

In his mind, his sludge-filled mind, he remembered what Chase said. Anti caused all of this. Anti?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't access the part of his brain that explained who Anti was. Did he really forget? Or is this whole thing a nightmare created to confuse him? Maybe he will wake up eventually, in his own home, with his own friends. Maybe he will finally feel something good.

He looked at the blackboard for the umpteenth time and—


His blinked hard. Then began questioning his own sanity. The words changed. He did not understand what they meant.


He had blinked again and the message was completely different. It made no sense. He was too muddled to understand, but he didn't need to, because he heard it. At first, it was indiscernible. If he wasn't actively listening for it, then he would have missed it. But it got a little bit louder, and he became sure of what he was listening to. A melody. A song.

The Happy Birthday song.

He searched around to locate where it came from. It must have been outside the room. He looked at the board again. Nothing changed.

Jack stood up, legs cracking as he did. He listened as he left the room until got to the door that had been locked before, the window covered over with blinds. He tried the door and it opened.

He didn't want to open it. But, as his curiosity grew, he felt he had to. So he did. The old hinges wheezed as the door slowly swung open.

There was a lone cake in the center of the room. The only light source came from a few small candles stuck in it. There were no desks or chairs as far as he could tell besides the desk that the cake sat on top of. As Jack walked up to the it, he noticed six candles were lit while the seventh, in the centre, was not.

It was a birthday cake, chocolate. He mindlessly noted that chocolate had been his favourite kind of cake as a kid.

He heard a slam and when he turned around, the door was closed. He tried to open it but it was stuck.

There was a faint sound of footsteps behind him. He faced back around to see them turn into a shadowy figure, his chest lit by the fire of the candles. He could not see its face. He froze to the spot, waiting breathlessly for the next thing to happen.

"You're finally awake. I hope you rested well." It was a male voice, rougher than his own, and strangely joyful.

"I... was never asleep." Jack had forgotten what sleep felt like from how long he had been awake.

"How long has it been? A few years now?" He hummed in thought. "I doubt you remember any of it. Speaking of which, what do you remember?"

"I don't know," he whispered breathily. This ghostly figure kept himself a secret, both his face and intentions. "I think you know more than I do. What did I forget?"

"Me. For starters."

"Who are you?"

"A friend."

Jack doubted that. "What are you?"

"I'm very disappointed in you, Jack. I thought without the egos to distract you, you'd finally remember me."

"Answer me. Please." It was not a demand. He was pleading. "I'm tired of feeling clueless. I want to know what's going on."

The figure remained silent for a moment. Overjoyed. He wanted to tease Jack for being the one under his control for once. Instead, he kept himself from indulging too soon. "Answers will come eventually. I promise. But first, we have something to celebrate." He bent down, his distantly familiar face showing for a second, and blew out the lights.

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