Skipping School, Screaming, and Sexual Orientations

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It all happens so fast. We leave class. Make out. Leave campus. Skateboard. Then it all slows down when she took off her shirt. And what happened next. I've never been more embarrassed. She says it was okay then kinda giggled. I don't really know what that was supposed to mean. Then we start to kiss again. Then the craziest thing happened. She cups her hand around, well you know where, over my jeans and kinda caresses it with her fingers. It drives me crazy. I never thought this would happen. We only became friends this year but we always talked. I really don't know what I would do without her. She's so important to me. Our relationship feels like it's so much more meaningful then the other kids in our school. I love her so much. And I love being with her right now. In an ideal situation what we are doing would escalate into something else but it doesn't. She takes her hand away. She kinda bites/nibbles on my lip and it feels nice. I don't know how long this lasted. I could have been a whole hour or even just a minute I honestly couldn't tell, but it ends eventually. Her phone buzzes. She says it's from her mom asking where she is. We have to go. I walk home with her and she kisses me goodbye on the cheek. After that? All I get is a kiss on the cheek. I head home and I'm all alone. My family probably won't be home for a few hours. I head to my bed room. I'm still thinking of Noelle. I go onto her Instagram page and look at the pictures of her. I feel like a creep. And what I do never feels a little more creepy. Noelle Snapchats me a selfie. I grab some lotion.

I walk into my apartment after hanging out with Sam. Instantly I hear screaming. My sister and my dad. My mom comes up to me, "A little birdie told me you missed a few classes today." The school probably called. I don't know what to say so I just hit the window, startling a few pigeons on the window sill and scream "Snitches!" I thought a joke would defuse the situation. It didn't. Our big slobbery golden retriever runs to me and jumps on me. He barks. My mom screams something at him to be quiet. We aren't allowed to have dogs in the building. "Noelle, deberías dejar de jugar e ir a tus jodidas clases, ¿de acuerdo?" She tells me to get my shit together basically. "Beso mì culo, bruja!" (Kiss my ass, witch) I yell back. I run into my room to avoid getting hit and I lock the door. I hear my brother, not the one in jail but the one who is 2 grade above me talking to his friend in his room. He brags about stuff a girl did to him. Like I want to hear that. I try to block out the noise of him talking but it's not hard because my mom is banging on my door shouting. I gotta get out. I open my window and climb onto the fire escape out side. I try to be quiet. I get down to the very bottom and have to jump. I run. I don't know where I'm going. I head to the park. There's a place that's pretty isolated where I go with my friends I text Tema to come meet me. I feel bad about leaving Sam so I send him a selfie. I don't really take selfies often but sometimes he asks for them so I'm just being kind. Since Tema lives right around the corner she shows up really quickly. She sits down next to me. "Dude what's happening are you okay? You've been a lil different lately ya know what I mean?" I nod. "Yeah I think I'm going through a mid life crisis, or maybe menopause." She punches me in the arm lightly. "Look what I brought." She pulls out a small zip lock bag from her backpack and shakes it a little. "Cilantro," She says joking. She rips some paper out of her binder. "Do you know how to role this thing?" She asks. "Why don't you know, you smoke more then I do."
"First of all, I do edibles, and second I just have guys role them for me," Tema says in a joking matter. I laugh. "By the way, I have a few things to tell you that will probably be easier high," She adds. We each try to roll them and she licks the paper to make it stick. She pulls out a lighter. I take a real big puff. "Wow you gotta take it slower," she tells me. "I'm not feeling it," I say back. "Oh and by the way, Alex, ya know, Sam's friend, wants me to talk him up or something, he likes you," I tell Tema. "Yeah I gotta say something kinda related to that," Tema continues," I've got a crush." I desperately ask who it is. "Promise not to tell?" She asks. I agree. "I like.. uh this is hard to say um ... Miera, from our history class." She tells me. "So you're..." She cuts me off, "yep."
"And you don't like..."
"Boys." She cuts me off again. "Not at all."
"Lucky for you," I respond, " they are a lot of work." We kinda nod then start to giggle. We are definitely feeling it right now.

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