I'm Sorry

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I know you're gone now, and that you'll never get the chance to see the world. I recognize how heartbreaking this is.

However, my experience with it hasn't been the best. I've experienced love from parents and Chance, but have gone through hate, fear, and pain with seemingly just about everyone else.

Even your father, whoever he might be.

I was shown compassion by a few of them, but I know that's not true. I felt true compassion the moment I realized that I wanted to keep you, and that compassion and love was there even when I lost you.

Lately it's been hard to fight and to keep myself strong for the people that I love, and love me back. You really made me want to start fighting again.

Your death will not be in vain, I will fight my hardest, harder than I ever thought I could fight, and do it for both you, my loved ones, and I.

No matter what happens from here on out I will not forget about you, and as I struggle for my own survival you will always be in my head and heart.

I will forever love you, and never forget the immense joy you brought to me for this short period of time.


I crumpled the paper up into a small ball and hid it underneath one of the cupboards. I'd find a better place to put it later.

Right now though I had an idea.

I told her that I was going to fight, and you better believe that I was telling the truth.

I stood up and started to walk back over to the kitchen.

Tonight I was going to raise hell, and I would start here.

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