A Disgustingly Safe Excuse For My Own Safety

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Oh shit.

"Alex!" I screamed, running out of the bathroom and trying to find them.

No one was around so I went against everything I'd been told and broke the # 1 rule, don't EVER go into the recording area. I walked into the room, and walked up next to Matt, looking in at Rian, Alex, Zack, and Jack.

"Everyone take 5!" Alex screamed.

Jack, Rian, and Zack all stayed in the room and glared at me, Alex came out of the room, grabbed my hand, and pulled me back into the room that I had been in before.

"We've got an issue." I stated with a shaky voice.

"No sweetheart, you do. As soon as we get back to the hotel I'm going to make you regret waking up this morning." Alex snarled shoving me up against the wall.

"I already do!" I screamed back at him.

"I'd watch myself if I were you right now." Alex growled, walking out of the room.

"I'm pregnant!" I screamed at him as he was about 20 feet out of the door.

That made him stop. He turned around said "What did you just say?"

"I'm pregnant. I bought a pregnancy test at the store and decided I wanted to check. I did and it came out positive almost immediately." I told him.

"If you're lying to me I'll have Kuza come over and help me." Alex growled, and then he walked me back to the studio.

"What's going on?" Matt asked Alex.

"I need you to go and bring her home, she can explain herself to Chris and Danny." Alex stated.

"Does she need to be punished?" Matt wondered.

"Only if she's lying." Alex replied, glaring at me.

"We'll call you later." Matt replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me out to the car.

"Get in." Matt snapped, holding open the door.

Knowing the drill I slipped into the back seats and laid down. Matt came in after me and tied a tight black blindfold over my eyes. The door closed and he started up the car.

I had become so accustomed to this it wasn't an issue anymore, I just relaxed in my position, closed my eyes and relaxed until about 3 hours later we arrived back at the house. Matt got out of the car and took the blindfold off of my eyes.

"What's going on?" Vinny asked as we walked into the house.

"I don't know, she talked to Alex and he told me to go and have her talk to Chris and Danny." Matt replied.

"They're downstairs with Kuza." Vinny told him.

Of course they were, either they were going to kill me or they'd be somewhat understanding. I could guess which one would probably happen.

"Tell me what happened now." Danny practically growled when I got downstairs.

"While they were in the studio I went down stairs to the store and saw some pregnancy tests. I got scared and decided to take a pregnancy test. I took it back to the room I had been in and waited the 15 minutes I had to. Once it did I looked at it, and it came back positive, really REALLY positive." I explained in a worried voice.

"Don't lie to me." Chris snarled.

"I'm not. I don't have anything to gain from it." I stated.

"Let's just go and test her." Danny suggested.

"Did Alex tell you what will happen if you're lying?" Chris asked me.

"I can piece the puzzle together." I snapped.

Danny took me by the arm and then walked us into the master bathroom, Chris and Matt followed us.

"Sit down." Danny barked, pointing towards the toilet.

I did as I was told, and then Danny pulled out a key, unlocked a drawer and pulled out 5 pregnancy tests, all a different brand.

"You planned for this?" I seethed.

"Accidents happen." Danny stated like it was nothing.

"A life isn't an accident." I roared.

"Is that what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night?" Danny taunted me, practically begging me to snap.

Mission accomplished.

I shot up from my seat and instantly struck Danny across the face.

Before I could react Danny had grabbed my arm, pulled me up, and pushed me up against the wall, he grabbed the other arm and placed it behind my back like I was going to be handcuffed. If only I was that lucky.

"Get off!" I screamed, trying to shake him off of me.

"Knock it off, before I decide to punish you before the tests." Danny threatened me.

"Let me go!" I screamed, managing to stomp on his foot with mine.

"Submit!" Danny screamed, pushing his body into mine.

That made me freeze, I'd been here before and it wasn't a good place to be. It was dangerous just like Danny himself. If the test was right I couldn't be stupid and risk another person's life, I had already done that. I knew what Danny was capable of, and that alone made me afraid. That was the forced submission that was brought upon me by these guys. I hated it, but now it tended to be my second nature.

"I'm sorry, sir." I whispered, looking at the floor and relaxing my aggressive pose.

"You're to take these tests, put them on this towel and then call one of us in when you're done." Danny snapped out, and then left along with Chris and Matt.

With a sigh of anger I grabbed the tests and did what Danny told me to do. Now only time would tell.

What would be better though?

If I was indeed pregnant it would keep me safe for at about 9 months. However that would mean that I had to put an innocent child's life at stake, all because I got stuck in this shitty predicament. Then on the other hand if I wasn't actually pregnant, I'd be facing the worst punishment so far, along with 9 more months of shit that I probably wouldn't have to deal with if I were pregnant. It was a true struggle.

Was I willing to endanger a baby for me to be safe?

Or was I brave enough to suck it up and continue to live this life?

I honestly don't know myself that well anymore.

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