All Aboard

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Once on board the shuttle Jane took a window seat and looked out over the other Cadets boarding shuttles to their assigned ships. She saw many people who she had spent years with learning and building their knowledge for this one day that they would venture into space on their first Starfleet voyage.

"Cadet Kirk?" Jane turned her gaze from the window to the woman standing in front off her. Tall, slim and blonde. She was familiar to Jane, she had seen this woman before. "Carol Marcus, I'm a friend of your brother's."

"Are you one of his girlfriends?" Jane asked sarcastically as the woman standing in front of her looked slightly taken aback.

"Jane!" Rose nudged her.

"Sorry, that was rude. Its nice to meet you." Jane apologised, forcing a smile.

"No not at all. I'm aware of his nature with women," Carol replied laughing, "However no, I am not and have never been one of his girlfriends. I previously worked with him on the Enterprise. It was a pleasure to work with him and I look forward to working with you also."

"Oh thats very nice of you, thank you. Same to you." Jane smiled. Carol Marcus, thats why Jane knew her face. Carol was the daughter of the late Admiral Marcus. Her father had been killed by Khan. That terrible, cold man. If you could even call him a man. James had almost died too. In medical terms he did die, only Khan's blood was able to revive him. She thankfully never had the misfortune of coming face to face with the man that was almost responsible for the death of her brother, but she couldn't stand the thought of him.

"Attention: The Shuttle will board the USS Enterprise in just under one minute. Please remain seated until we have safely landed and the doors have opened. Luggage compartments will only unlock then."

Once the shuttle landed, Jane quickly got out of her seat and grabbed her case from the overhead luggage compartment. Having retrieved her luggage she made her way out of the shuttle onto the landing deck of the Enterprise, filled with the buzzing sound of hundreds of new crew members.

"I see someone's eager to get onboard!" Jane heard someone behind her call out. As she turned around she spotted a face to match the voice.

"McCoy! Its so good to see you again." Jane's smile was beaming as she set her luggage down and made her way towards the man standing a few feet in front of her, arms outstretched.

"Its good too see you too Jane." McCoy confessed, hugging his best friend's younger sister. McCoy and James had been friends since their first year at the academy just like Jane and Rose. Jane was familiar with a lot of her brothers friends but McCoy was the only one she really liked. He was a simple guy and he was always nice too her, she had no reason not to like him. "Welome aboard the Enterprise."

"Its good to be aboard! Why are you down here though? I thought you were Chief Medical Examiner, have been demoted to the welcoming committee? My brother can be such an ass!" Jane joked.

"Funny, very funny. Jim asked me to meet you coming off the shuttle, he's busy what with being Captain and all that." McCoy explained.

"I should've guessed! Well you can tell him that I don't require an escort. I'm perfectly able to find my way around without one." Jane protested.

"Don't you think I know that? Im just doing what I'm told. He wanted me to tell you that he's glad you got here safe, that he'll get around to seeing you as soon as be can and that he loves you." McCoy recited, sounding less than enthusiastic. "Oh and also that if you get into any troubl-"

"Yes yes yes, I know. The big brother speech," Jane cut him off, "I've heard it all a million times before. Tell him I'm fine, okay? I've got to get briefed and get settled into my quarters." Jane replied as she moved past McCoy to lift her luggage. "Ill see you later."

McCoy stared after her. He had always been extremely fond of Jane. She reminded him of Jim in many ways but was the complete opposite of him at the same time. He'd always had what you could call a crush on her since he first met her in his second year in the Academy just after she had joined. Jane had no idea of course. She was too young for anything to happen between them. Almost 20 years too young, but like her brother, he felt protective over her.

After her encounter with McCoy, Jane quickly hurried back to where the shuttle had landed to find Rose.

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