Trust and Honesty

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The next day Jane got up and ready for her appointment with Dr.McCoy. More tests, boring...

Since she had wakened from her 'coma' she had been prodded and pierced with numerous needles and weird medical instruments. By this stage she had gotten used to it and McCoy was gentle and patient with her.

Making her way into the Medical Ward she pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail before looking for the Doctor who she found sitting beside an empty medical table.

"Hey Bones!" She perked propping herself onto the medical table.

Distracting himself from his gadgets McCoy turned to Jane with a smirk on his face before saying, "Not you too."

"What? You told me I had an appointment." Jane replied confused.

"Im talkin' about the nickname," McCoy said pushing up Janes sleeve to take a blood sample. "Its bad enough that Jim calls me it."

"Yeah well your stuck with it so get over it." Jane said sticking her tongue out at McCoy like a 12 year old.

"Sometimes I used to think you were the sensible one. God knows what made me think that." McCoy said shaking his head and lightly laughing while giving Jane a syringe shot full of something.

"Ow! Leonard watch it with that thing!" Jane shouted.

"Don't be such a baby." McCoy told Jane off.

"I am not a baby, Im 25!"

"Yeah. Yeah you are." Doctor McCoy said before going quite.

Jane noticed this and tried to figure out why he did so. Was it something she had said?

"So have you seen James today?" Jane asked to break the silence.

"Ah, no. But he has a cardio appointment with Dr.McClain soon so if you stick around you might catch him. Well that is if he shows."

"If who shows?" Captain Kirk said appearing from behind the cubicle curtain.

"Ears burning?" McCoy said as he finished his test on Jane and pulling her sleeve back down. "Thats you finished for today Jane."

"Thanks Doc," Jane teased McCoy before turning to her brother. "Hey Bro."

"Hey, how you feeling?" James asked Jane with concern as he greeted McCoy with a slap on the back to which McCoy responded to with foul look aimed his way.

"Same as the last time you asked. I feel fine." Jane reassured her brother.

"Well you can never be too careful." Kirk told his little sister. "Hows the tests going Bones?"

"Fine. Her blood platelet count has gone back up rapidly and is steady." McCoy told the Captain.

"Good. Well I best be on my way. Got a checkup with the new redheaded nurse." Kirk said winking at his best friend before walking off to attend his 'appointment'.

McCoy and Jane both rolled their eyes as Jim walked away.

"Why Bones?" Jane asked once McCoy finished clearing away the medical equipment he used on her.

"Why Bones, what?"

"Why's he call you that?" Jane nodded her head in the direction of her brother.

"Something I said a long time ago, when we had first met." Bones answered Jane.

"What was it you said?" Jane questioned him again.

"That all I had left after my divorce was my Bones."

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