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As Jane followed Commanding Officer Spock through the corridors of the ship they didn't converse very much. Actually they didn't converse at all. "Commander, where is it that Ja-, I mean the Captain wishes to speak with me?" Jane asked, to break the silence. She almost forget herself, calling thee Captain by his first name. She had to remain professional around others, despite the fact the Captain was her brother.

Commander Spock stepped in to an elevator and Jane stepped in behind him. "The Captain is busy at this precise moment but has asked that you await his arrival in the Captain's Ready Room, where he will join you shortly." he replied.

Nodding but saying nothing Jane followed the Commander out of the elevator into a small room that consisted of a small couch and coffee table, at the opposite wall there was another door.

"Right through that door, Cadet. I believe the Captain wishes for you to make yourself at home. However I must return to the bridge. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lieutenant."

"Likewise Commander." Jane addressed her commanding officer.

Jane walked towards the door at the opposite side of the room and opened it. Inside was a different scene entirely from the room Commander Spock had left her in.

A beautiful white walled, dim lit office, decorated with many book shelves and a neatly arranged mahogany desk. Two large white couches lined either side of the room with a coffee table in their midst. Jane sat on the couch furthest from the door. It was extremely comfy and she was very tired. She almost had to shake herself so that she didn't fall asleep.

After 20 minutes of waiting in the room alone the Captain finally arrived. Jane who was twiddling her thumbs at this point shot her head up so fast her neck hurt a little.

"James!" She exclaimed as she jumped up to hug him.

"Hey you!" James hugged his sister having to lean down slightly to do so while Jane tried her best to stand steady on her tip toes. James wasn't the tallest guy around but he was almost an entire foot taller than Jane who was just about 5 foot 2. " Have you missed me?"

"Of course I have! Though I bet you've been too busy being Captain to miss me?" Jane smirked.

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I've missed you!" James insisted as he sat down on the large chair behind the mahogany desk. Jane took a seat on the chair at the opposite side of the desk facing him. "Hows the Enterprise treating you?"

"Good. Extremely different from being at the Academy but it's good none the less."

"And your shifts, where are you stationed?" Jim asked.

"Astrometric Observation and I volunteered to help out in the Linguistics lab on Fridays." Jane replied.

"Well thats enough to keep anyone on their feet." Jim began to fidget with his communicator. "If it gets over whelming at any point you know you only have to tell me and I can sort something out."

"James, I'll be fine I promise. Don't worry, please." Jane reassured her brother with a smile.

"Bridge to Captain." A voice came from the communicator in James' hand.

"Captain speaking." James replied into the device.

"We're picking up signals of an incoming ship at maximum warp speed." The voice replied.

Just as the Captain began to respond the ship lurched sideways sending both him and Jane flying across the room. Hitting her head off the table and landing on the ground, Jane was knocked unconscious.

"Mr. Sulu, get our shields up now!" James shouted into his communicator, scrambling to his feet and attempting to get to his sister. However, he was knocked sideways once again when the ship was hit a second time.
Reaching for his communicator again, he dialled another number, "Bones, can you hear me? Im in the Captain's Ready Room. Jane's hurt, she needs medical assistance now!"

Almost immediately afterwards Commander Spock appeared at the doorway of the room.

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