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Hey I am back and this chapter I am gonna make Leo so frustrated that he can't stop thinking about the girl who saved and how she sang to him, and he has been having dreams for some reason, I don't want to spoil it. Have fun reading this you guys.

Leo's pov:

Its already been three days and....ugggghhhhh I can't stop thinking about her and even her voice too, it still stuck in my head, from that time I was still seeing blurry, then I felt her touched my cheeks, I held her hand and she was so soft, when I can see clearly, she looked so beautiful and...her eyes..they were..bright blue, that I have never seen a color eyes before, like, like she was from another world. But then...she ran off, I don't know direction but, oh god she is so beautiful. I am so frustrated that I want to see her again. "Guys, time for training with Splinter." I said to my brothers, they nodded and went to training, all of us were sitting down in piles and Splinter was talking. "My son's, it is time for training, now, Leonardo and Donatello, against each other." We both stand up and ready to fight. "Raphael and Michelangelo." they both nod and ready to fight as well. Splinter put one arm up waited for 9 seconds, and said. "Hajime!" We all started to fight. After 30 minutes later, me and Raph won and the other two losed. "Yame! Very well my son's, Leonardo may I speak with you....alone." I kind a got scared when he said the last part and my three brothers left. I sit down in front of my father inches apart and he said. "Leonardo my son, I sense something of what is troubling you, that you were frustrated by something while you were fighting your brother, Donatello, what is it my son?" I kinda wanted to say it what is troubling to me.SO....had no choice. "Well, did they guys tell you what happen to me three days ago, where I was?" I asked him. "Hmmmm, I don't think so my son, what happened?" My father asked a question to me. "Ummm, well uhhh, I kinda got drowned when I was still in the water and uhhh, I blacked out and uhh, some girl....saved me and put me in the surface, and also, she looked so beautiful, and she also...sang to me. And what I think was that she heard my brothers calling for me and, she left suddenly, while I was laying down. My brothers don't believe me." I explained to my sensie. "I see, do you know what she looked like?" My father asked me. "Well, she has almost slimmed face, long dark brown hair, cheekbones are almost showing, and she...." I stopped right there that I would never forget her beautiful unique eyes that she has."...bright blue eyes."

This is how Ryn looks like from the show Siren, I really love her and I love her eyes, even though they're not really her eyes

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This is how Ryn looks like from the show Siren, I really love her and I love her eyes, even though they're not really her eyes

I said in the last part and I looked at Splinter of an thinking face.He stand up and walked almost towards his room and said. "I am guessing you want to see her again. Isn't that right my son?" he said and I well..."Yes sensie but, if you would've have seen her, she looked amazing, and her voice, its just like well, ugh I can't described it but it felt like I was...drawn into her, her voice is like a drug, I can still remember how she sings liked that when she hums."I said. "I know my son...right are free to go..."I looked at him in the shock way. Like saying to find her? "Go look for her my son...if you really want to see her. Then go.." I looked at him happily and I hugged him..but right now I need to get out and walk around in the sewers.And then go back here and sleep.I told my brothers that I was gonna walk around here in the sewers and they said ok. So I did. After a long 3 minute walk. I saw two paths from the two sides, so I went left, and another long walk. But then I walked right at were Leatherhead used to be when Mikey was trying to wake him up, it was still the same but...except...there was lots of blood around here, from all the way to the ends, and it smelled raw and bad, like someone had died. Then I saw bone pieces there, and...they...were fish...IT HAD TO BE FISH!!! I always hate the way they smell when they die or when they get out of the ocean and....wait...these fish...they were from the ocean...what are they doing here? Then suddenly, I heard a water splash behind me...I turned around and checked for 20 seconds, and then...I heard singing...the same the water...I thought I would never hear it again. I went inside of the sewer water and check who or if that same girl who saved down there...

In the next chapter you guys will find out of if Leo will see that girl Ryn, the siren, again,but I really ddon't want to spoil it to you guys and well,you guys will find out about Leo seeing the girl who saved him in the beach.See you guys in the next chapter..Bye Bye!!!

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