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Hey guys, from this story, I am gonna make all the three brothers and plus Splinter and April and Casey that the girl is naked in the lair but covered in blanket, and Leo is a responsible for her to take care of her. So enjoy reading everyone, let me know in the comments!!!

No one's pov:

Leo and the girl who saved him from three days ago, had made it to the lair and Leo...well he doesn't know HOW to explain it to his brothers that he found the girl who saved him three days ago...even Splinter and the others. So...he's gonna say it to them and explain. "Hey guys...I need to well...sigh explain something to you guy...who I the deep sewers.." Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to Leo of what he's gonna explain to them. "Well, were waiting Leo, spill it, WHO did you find?" Raph said in a mad tone not waiting patiently. "Well uhh hehe, I don't know if you guys remembered what I said three says ago while I was at the beach when you guys found you?" They all nod and Mikey suddenly said. "About the GIRL who supposibly rescued you from the ocean and brought you to the beach surface and you said she look so beautiful and she had the most beautiful voice that you never heard!" Mikey, Donnie and Raph laughed about him that the girl rescued him and Leo made a frowned face to them. -_- " I WAS RESCUED BY THE GIRL...aaaand...she is..well...'inhale' here" Leo put his arm to the left and the girl came out and all the three brothers stopped laughing that he wasn't joking. But they notice but Donnie said. " she..umm well you know...naked?" Donnie asked blushing a little. "Yes she is, I found her in the deep sewers ^w^' " They all blushed hard and Donnie and Raph covered Mikey's eyes like it some kind of Rated - R for Mikey not to see. "She's NAKED!? Leo are you crazy?! SHE. IS. NAKED. What are you gonna do with her!?" Raph said surprised and mad."If Splinter says she's my responsibility, then she is my responsibility. And I am gonna ask April to bring her some clothes of what to wear." April heard and she said on it and went out to bring her some clothes already. "So umm, do you know what's her name, did she tell ya or what Leo?" Casey said while he is still looking away blushing hard. "Umm about that, back at the deep sewers, I talked to her when I said to bring her to the lair. And well...she didn't say no answer, and when I covered her with the blanket, she looked at it and, she...well..sniffed it like she never seen it before. It was weird for. I was gonna ask Donnie what's wrong with her and why she can't speak. Can you Donnie?" Donnie nodded and said. "Bring her to my lab so I can check her, you can come too, all of you can. Even Splinter." Leo looked scared and Mikey was gonna get Splinter to tell him to go to Donnie's lab about he girl.

All of them were in the lab even Splinter, Donnie put the girl to sit down and to check her mouth. What Donnie was checking, there sign of anything, nothing is wrong with her. "Well I check her mouth and well, nothing. She is completely fine, actually. I guess she doesn't know how to speak English, maybe." Leo nodded, he kneeled down and said. "Hey, whatever happen to you, your gonna be fine here ok. If someone did hurt you, your safe now" The girl was still looking at him but she tilted her head a little to the side. "Hmm its lie she can't even understand us, its like she doesn't know anything at all." Raph said. Leo was still looking at her and she was looking around the lab, to his brothers, his friend Casey, Splinter, and him. And then suddenly, she open her mouth, and started to sang. The same one he heard back in three days ago.

Play this tune again while she sang in front of the turtles and put it 0:27

All of them were shocked of how she was singing. The girl was still looking at Leo and still singing. "Ok, you..weren't lying Leo, she does sing beautiful." Raph said. "I told you, didn't I?" But Donnie wanted to know WHY she is singing like that, like how she is singing, some kind of...creature, trying to bring someone towards it. He was getting suspicious about it. Mikey came up to her and she stopped singing. Mikey said. "What's your name miss?" The girl know that word from somewhere, trying to remember when did she heard that?

>flashback in 2 days ago<

The siren was walking around at night naked and was looking, but she heard something in the house, she peaked in the window and was looking at some cartoons show, and then saw the child was looking at it quietly. When she heard the part 'what's your name.' The character was saying. "My name is Ryn, spell it out kids. R Y N. Ryn." She looked at it and said what the character said for his name.

>end of flashback<

She looked at them and they were waiting, and she said. "Mmm..m-m-my name..i-is..R-ryn." All the four brothers, including Splinter and Casey, but mostly Leo that she speak. And she speaked again but clearly now. "My name is Ryn."

YESSSS she finally speak people.And well I am still up and it is 9:03 p.m. and I wanna finish this when I go to sleep so see ya guys in the next chapter and let me know in the comments you guys. Bye bye

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