1: Bedtime Stories

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"Benjamin, Katherine! It is time for bed.", I announced as I looked over to the clock to see it was already 9 o'clock p.m. "Come on children, we all have a big day tomorrow and need all the sleep we can get."

Ah, tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be so exciting! All of the hard work that we have put in the past 2 years is going to finally pay off. Our beautiful Opera Populaire will be open once more.

I heard the loud pitter patter of my children's footsteps approaching their bedroom. Soon, in walked my 9 year old son and my 5 year old daughter.

"What story would you guys like to hear tonight? Little Red Riding Hood? Or perhaps Jack and the Beanstalk?", I asked as my children made their way to their beds.

"Mother, we've heard those stories so many times before. How about a new one?", Benjamin asked.

I was a little taken back at his words. "But, you two love those stories!", I exclaimed.

"Mommy, they're getting boring.", my little daughter announced. "Can Daddy come to story time tonight?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie. Daddy is working tonight. He has a lot of preparation to do before tomorrow night's party.", I said as I leaned down to place a kiss on my daughter's forehead, tucking her into bed.

"Well if you guys don't want to hear those stories, what do you have in mind then?", I asked, as I tucked my son in as well.

"Oh, I know! Mother, tell us the story of how you and father met!", my son excitedly said as he sat back up in bed.

"Well, okay then.", I said as I sat down in the rocking chair that was positioned between their beds. "Your father and I met about 10 years ago. I was just 20 years old and your father was 30. Auntie Christine, Auntie Meg, and I used to be ballerinas in this very opera house. You see, children, the way your father and I met was not under normal circumstances. People refer to the events as 'the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera'. Children, you have to understand that all those years ago, people were scared of your father... for the way he looked."

"Daddy looks like a prince!", Katherine exclaimed. Her adorable outcry made me smile.

"Yes, sweetheart. He's Mommy's knight in shining armour.", I said, laughing a little bit.

"He's mine too!", she interjected.

"Katherine please, let mother continue on with the story.", Benjamin said, sounding a bit annoyed with his little sister.

"Our story begins the day of Auntie Christine and I's first real big performance." I said, as flash images played through my head. As I continued on with the story, the images became clearer in my mind, almost as if I was there again, reliving these moments.


"This trophy from our saviors
From our saviors
From enslaving force of Rome!"

"With feasting and dancing and song
Tonight in celebration
We Greet the victorious throng
Returned to bring salvation!"

The night is finally here! My first leading role. Well, Christine and I's first leading role. And it's not even that big of a lead. We're just the main dancers for tonight's performance of 'Hannibal'. But, finally we proved ourselves to Madame that we can do this! This entire ballet performance rests on our shoulders.

"The trumpets of Carthage resound!
Hear, Romans, now and tremble!
Hark to our step on the ground!
Hear the drums
Hannibal comes!"

"Sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Roma's far-reaching grasp"

"Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Rehearsals, as you can see, are underway for a new productions of Chalumeau's 'Hannibal'.", Monsieur Lefevre walked out, interrupting our rehearsal. He was accompanied by two other gentlemen.

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