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Alex's P.O.V

"Get your ass home I know practice is over"

"I will be home soon just getting dressed"

"You better be there when I get there" Fuck. Before I can reply I look up to see Harper starring at me with a questioning look.

"I have to go I will be home in half an hour" I say hanging up the phone. Fuck my life.

"Hey Lex are you ok?"

"Sorry Harper, I have to go" I tell her quickly grabbing my things and leaving the locker room, not before catching the hurt look in her eyes.  Fuck. I don't want to hurt her but I know I have to go.  I cant let her know what's going on.

I don't have time to dwell on it I have to get home before he does.  When I make it home and park in the driveway I know I am in trouble. He is already here. I take a deep breath knowing what is coming when I go inside.  I finally get out the car and open the front door stepping inside.  Immediately I am slammed against the wall. 

"Took you long enough. I told you to be here before I got home" he says looking at me with hate and anger in his eyes.  I gulp and let out a small I'm sorry before feeling his fist connect with my jaw. Shit how am I going to explain this one.

"When I tell you something you do it." He says, fist connecting with my side this time.  I let out a small whimper. "You cant do anything right you fucking waste of space." Another hit landing, this time on the side of my head.  This continues for another few hits until I am on the ground bleeding from my nose and lip.  "Get the fuck up you weak bitch" As I try to stand I am slammed back onto the ground.  This time he kicks.  I swear I just heard my ribs crack.  Fuck I'm not going to be able to move tomorrow.

"I'm going on a business trip.  I will be back in 5 days.  Your ass better be here when I get back." He says as I lay down on the floor in a ball with my head in my hands. "Fucking answer me when I talk to you" he says delivering another kick to my back.

"Yes sir" I choke out feel my self slipping. A few minutes later I hear the door open and close and hear his car start up and back out the driveway before the darkness takes over.

When I wake up I am still on the floor and everything hurts.  I really need to go to the hospital but I can't. No one can know what my father does to me.  Instead I take out my phone and call the one person I know will come help me without question. As the phone continues to ring I get impatient. Come on pick up.

"Hey yo Alex what's up?

"Help." Is all I had to say before she says a quick ok and the line goes dead.

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