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Alex's P.O.V

Harper is still sitting frozen while we make our way to the kitchen.

"Harp you coming? Pizza is here" I say. She shoots off the couch walking towards us. I smile at her and she blushes again. Shit I am so screwed. She needs to stay away but something tells me I won't be able to push her away. Not like she will do so willingly anyway. Maybe I can be with her and keep my secret? She wont let it go forever but I only have 7 more months until I can leave this place.

"Pepperoni or meat lovers?" Lo asks me snapping me back to reality. I point to the meat lovers and lick my lips. I love pizza its my favorite.

After we all get our plates we go back to the living room to eat and finish the movie. I look over at Harper and cant help the smile that plays on my lips. She really is beautiful. She catches me starring and I look away quickly causing her to chuckle softly. Once the movie is over, Michelle jumps up to put another one in. I really don't care what we watch I'm not paying attention anyway.

Harper is snuggled into the blanket looking kind of uncomfortable. After everyone is settled again, I slide a little closer to Harper and put my arm on the back on the couch again. She doesn't seem to notice to I lean down and whisper to her "You can lay your head on my shoulder you know?" She looks at me worriedly and I nod telling her its ok. She seems to be thinking it over in her head before I feel her shift and lay her head on my shoulder causing me to grin.

"HARLEX" I hear Michells and Lauren both say causing Harper and I to look at them funny. "It's our ship. I'm captain" Lo says and Michelle calls co-captain. Harper and I look at each other shrug and go back to watching the movie.

After the movie is over its pretty late. Lauren asks Harper if she wants to stay so she can go home since she hasn't been in 2 days because she was staying with me. Harper looks at me silently asking if its ok with me. I nod making her smile widely. In that moment I realize I would do anything to make her smile like that all the time.

Lauren and Michelle left and now its just Harper and I sitting on the couch. I am contemplating on wether to stay here or ask Harper if she wants to go to my room and lay down. She yawns making my decision for me.

"Hey Harper? Lets go to my room and watch tv in there. My bed is way more comfortable than the couch" I say still looking at the tv.

"Is this your way of getting me in bed" she says making my eyes snap to her. I see the playful smile on her face a relax a little knowing she is joking. Two can play that game.

"Did it work?" I ask making her jaw drop. She is so cute I chuckle and shake my head.

"Funny. Lets go I'm tired anyway" she says getting up to help me up. Once in my room I give her a pair of basketball shorts and a tee telling her to change so she doesn't sleep in her clothes. I grab my own shorts and tee stepping into the bathroom to give her some privacy. After a few minutes I think she should be done. I step out of the bathroom and my jaw drops at the sight of Harper in my shorts and nothing else. Her back is to me so she doesn't know I am there. She slips on the shirt and sits down on the bed.

"Are you going to get in bed or just stand there?" She asks snapping me out of my frozen state. I look down and mumble a be right back before going back into the bathroom. Harper half naked in my shorts caused mini me to wake up. He's now half way standing up. I have to fix this I don't want Harper thinking I am a perv that can't control myself. I strip and jump into the shower at full cold to get rid of it. After a few minutes I get out and dress quickly stepping back into my room to see Harper laying on her side under my covers.

I crawl in slowly wincing a little at the pain in my ribs but finally get situated beside her.

"Can you cuddle me?" I hear her ask and freeze momentarily. Finally looking over to her I see she has turned her head to look at me. Shrugging a "sure" I put an arm around her waist she lifts her head for me to put my other arm under her pillow.

She feels so good in my arms. She fits perfectly against my body and shes so warm. I almost don't feel the pain anymore at this moment. Almost. After a few minutes of thinking about how good she feels I am brought out of my thoughts by a soft snore. A smile finds its way to my face and I close my eyes nuzzling my face into her hair. She smells so good like lavender and vanilla, was my last thought before drifting off into my first peaceful night sleep I have had in a while.

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