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Alex's P.O.V

"I'm pregnant."

What did she say? Did she say what I think she said? I know my jaw is hanging open and my eyes are wide.

"Can you repeat that."

"I'm pregnant." She says tears welling up in her eyes. Seeing her eyes start to flood snaps me out of my stupor. I get up and rush over to her wrapping my arms around her waist holding her to me. As I hold her I hear her mumbling I'm sorrys into my chest.

"Baby no you have nothing to be sorry for." I tell her kissing the top of her head. She pulls away looking into my eyes.

"You're not mad?" She asks watching my face closely.

"What? No Baby girl why would I be mad?" I ask genuinely confused as to why she would think that.

"We are too young. What if I suck as a mom? What if you decide you don't want to be with me anymore. What if you leav-"

I cut her off by smashing my lips onto hers. I finally pull away resting our foreheads together.

"Yes we are young but you don't have to worry about me leaving you Harper. I am yours and always will be for as long as you want me. I love you baby girl." I say making her eyes well up again. "No baby don't cry I'm sorry this is my fault."

"Shut up Lex. These are happy tears. Fuck these hormones and your stupid beautiful words making me cry." She says smiling widely at me.

I laugh and kiss her again before sitting us down on the couch.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask while running my fingers through her hair.

"We have to tell my parents." She says causing me to groan.

"Oh my god they are going to kill me!" I say starting to panic.

"Not kill you but my dad might chop your dick off." She says with a straight face before breaking down into laughter.

"Not funny Harper." I say rolling my eyes at her.

"Come on. Go with me. Better to get this over with now than to wait." She says getting off the couch.

"Now. You want to go now?" I ask starting to panic again.

"Yes come on."

We lock up my house and go back to hers.

"Mom! Dad!" She yells.

Her mom is in the kitchen and her dad is on the couch. We tell her mom to sit down with her dad because we have something to tell them. Once they are both there, Harper and I look from each other to them.

"I'm pregnant." Harper says as if telling them what she had for lunch.  Her mom gasps and her dads eyes widen.

"You're WHAT?!?" He dad says. Her mom grabs his hand shaking her head. He lets out a deep breath before looking at us again. "This is a big responsibility. I don't know if the two of you can handle this." He says going back to the level headed man I have come to know.

"Dad we realize that. We are young we know that and it wasn't planned it just happened. I'm sorry for disappointing you Daddy but we can handle this." Harper says giving her dad the pout.

"Go to your room, Harper. I think it's best if you head home Alex. Me and your mother need to talk." He says without looking at me. I kiss Harper on the cheek before saying goodbye to them and head back home.

The next day, before the game, Harper tells me her parents want me to come over afterwards. I agree and we head to the locker room to get ready.

After the game Harper and I make our way to her house. After going inside we sit on the couch across from her mom waiting for her dad to come in.

Once he comes in with us we sit there quietly waiting for him to start.

"First off, we talked about this and we are going to support your decision, but we will not raise this child for you. You both acted like adults and got into this so you both will now deal with the consequences." He says before looking over to his wife. "We will help all we can." He continues. "Harper. Your mother is taking you to the doctor in the morning to confirm that you are pregnant and to set up all subsequent appointments." He pauses looking to me. "I suspect you want to be there" He says to me. I nod in agreement "so I will make sure you are both excused from school. After tomorrow we will talk again."

They get up and go into the kitchen while Harper and I release the breath we didn't know we were holding.

The next day we walk into the doctors office together along with Mrs. Adams. Once Harpers name is called, we all follow the nurse to a room. They have Harper take another text and they take blood from her. After a while they come back and confirm she is indeed pregnant.  They nurse has her pull up her shirt and she rubs gel onto her belly.

"This is a little cold but we are going to take a look and see." She says.  "So it seems that you are about 6 weeks pregnant."

A few moments later we hear a heartbeat and tears instantly start falling from both of our eyes as I kiss the top of harpers head.

After leaving the doctors office Harpers mom lets her go back to my house to spend the night. After changing into shorts and t shirts we decide to get into bed.

I think this is the happiest I have ever been. Harper and I are going to have a baby together and even though it's not an ideal situation, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

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