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Harper's P.O.V

I wake up to the sun shining on my face.  For a few minutes I forget where I am until I try to move and feel a weight over my side.  Then my eyes snap open as I remember I am in Alex's bed. With Alex. I repeat, IN ALEX'S BED WITH ALEX. She so comfortable though. I shift a little causing something to poke me on my butt. I shift a little more causing a moan to escape Alex's mouth and her arm to tighten around me.  My eyes widen in realization as to what is poking me.  My cheeks immediately go red. She's defiantly not small. Like not small at all.

A few minutes later she releases me and rolls onto her back whimpering a little making all my dirty thought fly away.  I turn to look at her and see a pained look on her face.  My eyes trail down her body and when I get to the tent in her shorts the dirty thoughts come back.  She is huge.  Definitely bigger than my ex. 

"Starring is rude you know." She says making me jump and squeal and turn red as a tomato.  "I'm just kidding Harper" she says laughing. I roll my eyes and pout crossing my arms.  "Aww baby girl don't pout" she says. My heart flutters at her calling me baby girl.  Yep. Im in love with this girl. I look up to see her smiling at me while trying to cover her morning wood. Two can play this game.

"Maybe you should do something about that" I say pointing at her hands covering little Alex.  "Or I could help?" I ask causing her jaw to drop.  The look on her face makes me burst out laughing.  She groans saying its not funny while I continue cracking up.  She finally pushes herself up off the bed after wincing a little and makes her way into the bathroom. 

I find my phone and see that I have 3 new texts from Michelle.

Chel: Are y'all awake?

Chel: Stop fucking and answer me

Chel: Get off Alex's dick and answer me back!

Rolling my eyes at my best friend I reply telling her we were sleeping nothing else and I will call her later. Alex is still in the shower so I walk back down to the kitchen and look in the fridge at what she has for breakfast.  I spot some eggs and ham.  I decide to make omelettes for breakfast.  Searching for a pan, I finally spot it at the top of the cabinet. Great.  As I was reaching for the just out of reach item I feel heat envelop my back and see Alex's arm reach above me and grab the pan.  Her body is still pressed against me cause my cheeks to heat.

"Here you go shorty" she says in my ear, causing a chill to race down my spine.  I turn in her arms to face her.  She is starring into my eyes.  I don't know who leaned into who but I feel a pair of soft lips connect with my own making my eyelids flutter closed.  We stay like that for a minute or so lips moving in perfect sync together before she licks my bottom lip asking permission to enter.  I don't open and she squeezes my ass causing me to gasp.  She immediately pushes her tongue into my mouth and let me tell you. When her tongue touched mine, fireworks, actual fireworks erupted throughout my body.  After a few mins we hear a few clicks from the doorway. 

Looking over we see Michelle and Lauren with their phones pointed to us grinning like mad at each other.  Alex clears her throat causing them to look at us again. With grins on their faces the yell "HARLEX" before running out of the kitchen. 

Alex looks at me and I look at her and are both smiling. 

"So...breakfast?" She asks causing me to giggle

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