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Alex's P.O.V

God her giggle is so cute, I want to record it and listen to it all day.  As she starts to make breakfast I head to the living room to see the two assholes grinning like idiots on the couch. 

"Really guys? You took pictures?" I ask with my hands on my hips in mock anger.

"Harlex is goals" Lo says shrugging her shoulders. I love that idiot.

I take a seat on the couch by Lo and she looks at me grinning causing me to roll my eyes again.

"What Lo?"

"Are y'all together? Like a couple? Did you fuck last night? Come on I need to know how my ship is doing" she says excitedly.

"No. No. NO. Calm your tits Lo" I tell her while watching tv.

"What the hell are you waiting for Lex you better not let her go." She says glaring at me.  I don't plan on letting her go but I want to take her out and ask her the right way.

"I'm not Lo. Relax we haven't even been on a date yet."

"Well ask her. TODAY. Don't wait Lex" she says.  Before I can reply, Harper tells us breakfast is ready.  We all sit down and dig in.  This is fantastic. Harper can definitely cook.  After breakfast Michelle and Lauren leave again. 

Harper and I are on the couch watching tv when I decide to ask her.


"Yes" she says looking over to me.

"Do you uh...Do you want to go on a date with me?" I ask nervously.

"Yes, I would love too" she says smiling softly.  I grin at this a tell her ok and I will pick her up Monday at 6 since we don't have school until Wednesday.  We watch tv a little longer before she says she has to go home.  She gets up to go and I stand to walk her to the door.  Once there, she turns to me pecking me on the cheek before turning to leave.  I softly grab her arm turning her back to me capturing her lips with mine.  Things start to get heated and I slowly pull away.  With my forehead pressed against hers, both of us catching our breath, I tell her I will see her Monday.  She smiles and leaves and I go back to the couch with a smile you couldn't slap off on my face.

It's finally Monday.  The day of my date with Harper Adams, my dream girl, and I am a nervous wreck.  I called Lo to come over and help me decide what to wear. I decide on a navy button down and black skinny jeans and doc martins. My bruises on my face are faded so I don't look too bad. It's now 5:30 and I am ready to go.  My nerves are still high but Lo helped a little by telling me Harper is already in love with me and she knows it will be great. 

I get in the car and make my way to Harper's house.  I get out of the car and walk to the door and ring the door bell.  When the door open I am face to face with Mr. Adams. 

"H-hey sir. I am here to p-pick up Harper."

"Come in young lady" he says with a blank expression on his face.

"I know who you are.  I knew your mother" he says causing my smile to fall. "She was a wonderful lady so any child of hers is ok in my book. But, if you hurt my baby I will kill you." He says with the same blank expression.

"Sir, I would never hurt Harper" I say looking him in the eye.

"Good." He says before calling Harper telling her I am here. When I see her walking down the stairs my mouth goes dry.  She is in a beautiful teal dress that goes down mid thigh.  Her blonde hair is in a messy bun with a few strands framing her face.  "Close your mouth kid" Mr. Adams says with a small smile. "Be back by 11 and no drinking or other delinquent behavior." He says kissing the top of Harpers head.

"Dad..." she says while pulling me out the door. Soon we are on the porch, I stop her and turn her to face me.

"You are beautiful" I tell her causing her to giggle and say thank you.  I open the door for her and make my way around and off we go. 

We pull up to Rio's and I jump out to open her door for her.  Taking her hand in mine I lead us into the restaurant to start our date.

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