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Harper's P.O.V

Today is the day Alex has to go to trial for the abuse case against her dad. She has been nervous all morning. Right now I am watching her pace back and forth in the hallway outside of the court room waiting to be called in.

"Everything is going to be fine babe. All you have to do is tell the truth and everything will be fine." I say trying to calm her down.

"What if they don't believe me?"

"Baby they have pictures and the police caught him in the act. There is no way they won't believe you." I tell her as I stand to pull her into my arms. She nuzzles her face into my hair and takes a few deep breaths.

"I love you Harper" she says before bending down so that she is face to face with my belly. "I love you too peanut." She says kissing my belly over my shirt. I giggle because it tickles a little. As she is standing up a court official comes out and tells us its time for us to go in now.

We make our way into the court room and all eyes are on us. I give her a quick peck as she takes the stand. While listening to her answer questions and tell the judge and jury what her father did to her, I can't fight the tears that make their way down my face.

Once she is done we take our seat and wait for the judge to come back in. After what seems like forever he finally does and we wait for the decision.

"We find the defendant guilty of all charges and sentence him to 20 years"

A chorus of cheers comes out and I grab Alex turning her to me and kiss her hard. The judge tells everyone to calm down and its over. As we are leaving a man in a suit comes up to us and asks can he speak to Alex. She takes my hand and pulls me over to him with her.

"I was your mothers Attorney. I need you to come to my office tomorrow we have some things to discuss." He says handing her a card before smiling softly and walking away.

The next day she makes me go with her to the lawyers office. We go inside and she gives them her name. We take a seat and wait for them to call us. After about 15 minutes we follow a woman to a huge office and are greeted by the same lawyer who gave her the card.

"Nice to see you again, Alexandria." He says. "I'm sure you are wondering why you are here."

"Yeah I am. I didn't know mom had a lawyer." She says as we take a seat.

"Well, she did. Are you aware that your mother had a very large sum of money at the time of her death?"

"I know she had money but I don't know how much" she says grabbing my hand.

"Your mother had all of her assets in a trust in your name to be managed by your father until you turn 21. It was to be turned over to you on your 21st birthday" he says shuffling some papers on his desk. "Due to the recent conviction of your father, he is no longer able to maintain control of the trust and since you are 18 it can go directly to you now to do with as you please" he tells her. "Congratulations Ms. Jackson you are a very wealthy woman now."

"How much money are we talking?" She asks a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Well when you figure what it started with a the interest it gained over the past 4 years you are looking at around..." he says before typing something on his computer making a bank statement pop up. "3.4 million dollars." Our jaws drop at the same time causing the lawyer to laugh.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!? IM A MILLIONAIRE?" Alex yells. He laughs again and says that indeed she is. After signing some papers he gives her an envelope containing a debit card.

"In that folder is a debit card which is connected to a bank account. The account contains a balance of $100,000. If you wish we can have it set up to where every month a sum, that you decide, transfers from the trust to the bank account or we can give you a check for the whole amount. If you choose to have it transferred monthly you can still withdrawal as much at a time as you would like from the trust."

"Let's do the monthly transfer." she says. After signing some papers we leave the office.

"Baby?" I ask once we get in the car.


"Are you ok?"

"I'm fucking great. We don't have to worry about anything. I can afford anything we will need for the baby and anything we could ever need. I can take care you of and our child. Fuck I am rich!" She says getting more and more excited. I laugh at her excitement as we had home.

We go by my house and tell my parents the news. They are happy for her. She deserves some good in life. We leave and go to her house.

When we get to Alex's house I tell her I'm going to take a shower. While I am washing my hair I feel her body press against mine.

"Um..hello there" I say raising my eye brow.

"Hey there baby girl" she says kissing my neck. I moan at the feeling of her sucking on my neck. Needless to say that shower lasted a long time.

Once we make it out of the shower and get into bed in our usual position, she starts talking.

"I'm going to give Lo money. She always took care of me when my father hurt me with no questions asked and never expected anything in return. She has been wanting a new car for a while and there are some things she wants that she can't afford."

"That's great baby. I'm so happy for you and I'm so proud of you for yesterday. I know it wasn't easy seeing him and reliving everything."

"It was hard but I had you there and our peanut." She says rubbing my belly.

"I love you Alex" I say as I feel myself drifting. Our shower experience left me feeling happily drained.

"I love you too Harper" she says kissing the top of my head.

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