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Harper's P.O.V

The weekend flew by.  Alex and I stayed in my room the whole weekend watching movies and talking.  It's Monday and we are at school walking to class when i feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Harper can I speak to you?" My ex, Brandon, says behind me. I roll my eyes and look at Alex who hasn't acknowledged his presence. 

"What is it Brandon?" I ask a little annoyed that he keeps talking to me. 

"Alone" he says more of a statement than a question.  I turn to see Alex with a frown on her face before she turns and walks away. Shit.

"What is it?" I ask not taking my eyes off my girlfriends retreating figure.

"Can you meet me after school? I want to talk to you about some things." He says.  I look to him for the first time and see a flirty smile on his face.

"No you can talk now. What do you want to talk about?" I ask starting to get pissed that he is going to make me late.

"I want another chance." He says flatly. I look at him in disbelief.  He knows I'm with Alex. Why is he doing this.

"Why are you asking me out when you know I have a girlfriend?"

"Look you can do so much better than freaks-r-us.  You need a real man" he says putting his hands on my hips.  I wiggle out of his grasp knowing my face is red because I am getting angry.

"Leave me alone" I say before turning and rushing to my class.  I walk in to see Alex in her seat with her head down.  I walk over to her and sit down beside her. She doesn't lift her head even after the bell rings and  the teacher starts talking. 

"Alex" I say trying to be quiet so we don't get called out by the teacher.  She pokes her head up to look at me before laying her head back down.  What is happening here?

After class she gets up without saying a word and heads out the classroom.  I am dumbfounded as to why she is not talking to me.  The next class goes the same way.  When the bell rings for lunch and she goes to get up I grab her arm.

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask looking into her eyes.  She doesn't say anything just shakes her head and starts to walk away.  I grab her hand pulling her back to me.  "Talk to me Lex" I say concerned.

"Nothing Harper lets go to lunch." She deadpans turning to walk away again.  When we make it to the lunch room I sit down beside her and notice she doesn't have anything except a bottle of water and an apple.  She doesn't talk much even when Chel and Lauren start joking about her getting knocked down at the game last week. 

After school we go to our practices, however we are outside today instead of in the gym with the basketball team.  After practice, Chel and I head to the gym to see if the girls are still practicing.  We sit on the bleachers watching them run back and forth down the court stopping to touch lines every so often.

"What's up with Alex?" Chel asks me.  Without taking my eyes off of her running I respond.

"I don't know. We were fine this morning until Brandon stopped me and wanted to talk alone. Since then she hasn't spoken more than 10 words to me."

"What did dick brain want?" She asks laughing at her own name for him.

"He wants another chance" I say still not looking away from Alex.  Chel is silent for a minute so I look over to her to see her with her jaw hanging open and a shocked expression on her face.

"Wow. Just wow." She finally says.  I shrug my shoulders and look back at the court. "Maybe she's jealous" she finally says.

"She has no reason to be." I tell her watching Alex chug a cup of water.

"You need to talk to her Har" she says placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I will when we get home."

The rest of the time we sit in silence waiting for their practice to be over.  Once it is, we head to our cars to go home. After we get to the house Alex still hasn't said anything.  When she reaches for the door handle I stop her.

"Baby please talk to me the silence is killing me."

She runs her hand through her hair and closes her eyes taking a deep breath.  When she opens her eyes she turns to look at me.

"What did Brandon want?" She says watching me intently.

"Nothing important" I tell her looking into her eyes.  "Are you mad at me?"

"No." She says taking another deep breath. "You can go back to him. I will understand" she says turning to get out of the car again. What?

"No Alex I don't want to go back to him." I say holding her hand tightly. "Why would I want him when I have you?"

"He doesn't have the problems I have Harper.  He doesn't have a psycho abusive father.  He is normal. He's not a freak." She says not looking at me.

"Alex look at me" I say sternly. She looks up and her eyes are holding so much sadness I want to cry.  "I don't want him I have you. You are what I want.  You are not a freak so don't ever say that again and you can't help you situation with your father. I love you and only you just the way you are." I say hoping she believes me.

She doesn't say anything just nods her head and gets out of the car.  We go inside and she says she is going to take a shower.  That's when I get an idea.  There is one way to show her that I meant what I said.  I walk into my room and hear the shower still running. I quickly strip off my clothes and walk into the bathroom.  Her back is to the shower door so I quietly open it and slip in behind her. 

I touch her shoulder and she spins around quickly grabbing her chest.

"Fuck Harper don't sneak up on me. What are you doing in here?" She asks.  I raise my eyebrows and push her against the wall kissing her hard pouring all the love I have for her into that kiss.  She kisses me back just as hard before switching our position so that I am now pinned between the wall and her body.  I feel little Alex growing against my thigh. 

She pulls away before attaching her lips to my neck and sucking and biting.  I moan at the sensation and feel a throbbing start between my legs.

"Alex. Fuck. I need you" I say between moans.  She looks up into my eyes and I nod before wrapping my legs around her waist.  I feel her erection pressed against my center and I try to wiggle around a little.  She realizes what I am doing because a moment later she moves the head to my entrance and pushes in all the way in one quick thrust.  I sink my teeth into her neck causing her to hiss out a fuck as she thrust in and out of me.  I throw my head back moaning in pleasure as she continues to pound into me.  I feel that build in my stomach and lean up to kiss her.  A few more hard thrust and i feel the dam burst. 

Heat spreads all throughout my body and i clench down around her.  She is still pumping in and out of me prolonging my orgasm before I feel her cum cover my insides.  She lays her head against my chest catching her breath.  I kiss the side of her face telling her I only want her.  She lifts her head and finds my lips with her own before slowly pulling out of me and setting me back on my feet.  My knees buckle and she wraps her arms around my waist holding me up to keep me from falling. 

We finally wash and get out of the shower.  Once we get into bed we hear one of our phones buzzing but decide to ignore it because neither one of us wants to get up to see whose it is.  I snuggle into her like always and feel her wrap her arms around me.  She tells me she loves me and I tell her I love her too before we both fall asleep with a smile on our faces. 

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