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Alex's P.O.V

Seeing Harper run away crying broke my heart.  I am still sitting her with her parents looking at me the same way I feel. Like they don't know what to say or do about this fucked up situation. 

"I will go up and check on her" Mrs. Adams says giving me a sad smile. 

"I don't know why you would want to go back there" Mr. Adams says. "But its your choice to make." He says before patting my shoulder and walking out of the room leaving me alone.  I don't know what to do. My dad knows I'm here.  He will come back for me. He won't let me just leave free and clear. 

I get up and walk into the kitchen to tell Mr. Adams I am going to go to the park.  I walk out the door and head to the park still thinking about my dad.   What am I going to do? He will find a way to make me.  I used to think he would be happier if I left but he wasn't.  I tried it once. I stayed at Lo's for 4 days and he came and made me leave with him. That was the worst beating of my life until this last one.  While he was hitting me he told me I was his to do with as he pleases and there wasn't anything I could do about it. 

It has already been over a week since I have been home.  I don't even want to know how angry he is right now. I'm pulled out of my thought by a few kids yelling across the park.  I look over to see them playing together.  My phone dings in my pocket.  I pull it out to see a text from my dad.

Dad: I am going on a trip. I dont know when I will be home. When I call you come or i might have to meet your pretty little girlfriend.

I gulp at the message.  I guess thats it.  My choice is made for me.  I won't let him do anything to Harper. If he wants to kill me then he can as long as he stays away from her.  I put my phone in my back pocket and head back to Harper's house.  I am going to make the most out of however long I have because I don't know what is going to happen when I have to go back. 

I walk into the house and head up to Harper's room.  I open the door slowly to see her on her side curled into a ball. She still has tear tracks going down her face and I feel 100 times worse.  I walk over and lay down beside her pulling her into my arms.  She snuggles into me causing me to smile for the first time since we got home. 

The alarm goes off signaling time for us to get up.  I didn't get much sleep last night my brain wouldn't shut off.  Harper rolls turns around in my arms to face me.  She smiles and kisses me.

"I'm sorry I freaked out" she says playing with my hand. "I just love you and don't want him to hurt you again."

"It's ok baby girl.  I love you too." I say looking into her eyes.  "Come on we have to get up for school."

We get up and get showered and dressed and go to school.  After school we have practice and then we go back to Harpers. Sometimes Chel and Lo come over. 

The same routine goes on until Friday.  The day of our first game.  After school the 4 of us decide to ride to the beach until we have to be back for the game.  Chel and Lo are in their own little world while Harper and I are sitting on the sand.  The ocean breeze is a little chilly and I feel Harper shiver. 

"Cold baby?" I ask wrapping my arms tighter around her.

"A little but you are a good heater" she says smiling.  I kiss the side of her head under he ear and she lets out a sigh.  We sit and listen to the calming sound of the waves until it is time to head back to school.  After we get there we all change.  Lo and I into our jerseys and Chel and Harper into their cheer uniforms.  I have to say Harpers ass looks fantastic in that short skirt. 

She catches me starring and wiggles her eyebrows causing me to let out a chuckle.  Her and Chel get done first and walk by us heading to the gym.  I grab Harper's hand and pull her to me. 

"How am I going to focus with this" I say squeezing her ass "wiggling around on the sideline?"

"Figure it out baby" she says walking away throwing a smile over her shoulder causing me to shake my head.

We head to the gym and start warming up.  Once we take the floor I look around to see the gym almost packed.  I guess when you win the championship you gain fans.  The first half goes by quickly with us on top 42-20.  I look over to see Harper grinning at me.  I wink at her and she blows me a kiss.  The second half doesn't go as well. 

There are 4 minutes left and we are still leading by 20.  I have the ball and am heading to the 3 point line when a member of the other teams slams into me causing me to slam down to the floor.  I feel the breath rush out of my lungs making me squeeze my eyes closed tightly trying to catch my breath.  Shit that hurt.  I hear Harper trying to come onto the court and I look over to see Chel holding her back.  I look back up in front of me and Lo is there with her hand held out to help me up.  I take it and get to my feet still catching my breath.

Coach takes me out and I walk to the sideline.  Harper gets out of Chels grip and runs to me wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"Harp. Can't breathe" I choke out causing her to release me.

"Are you ok?" She says scanning my body.

"I'm fine baby girl just got the wind knocked out of me" I tell her taking deep breaths.

She kisses my cheek and walks back over to her team.  I sit down and watch the clock run down.  When the final whistle blows I get up and head to the locker room to get my things.  Once we are all ready to go Chel and Lo ask us if we want to get food. We decide to head to the local diner and grab food because we all are hungry. 

We joke and laugh together for an hour while enjoying our food.  If I only had these 3 people for the rest of my life I would be ok.  That thought is quickly pushed away along with my smile by the reminder of my dads message. 

"You ok baby?" Harper asks me catching my change in mood.

"Yeah baby just tired" I lie.  I can't tell her have to keep her safe.

We finish eating and head back to her house after saying goodbye to our best friends.  After we both shower and change we crawl into bed.  She snuggles into me and I wrap my arms around her just like every other night. 

"I love you Lex" she says sleepily.

I kiss her head and tell her I love her too before we both fall asleep.

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