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Harper's P.O.V

"Yo Harp why so sad?" I hear Laur say before her and Chel stop me as I am walking to my car.

"I don't know. I saw Lex in the locker room on the phone with someone and then she blew me off again and left quickly" I say with a frown. "Why is she avoiding me?"

"I cant answer that boo bear but do you want to come over and watch movies with me and Chel?"

I mumble a sure while getting in my car.  Once we arrive at Lauren's house and go inside we all sit on the couch and start watching IT. Scary movies are not my favorite but I'm not really focusing on the movie.  Sometime later Lauren's phone starts ringing. 

"Hey yo Alex what's up?


"OK" she says quickly jumping up off the couch.

"Babe what's going on?" Chel asks her. She looks between us rubbing the back of her neck before saying she has to run to Alex's house real quick. Chel gives her a look I can't decipher and says ok while I still sat there lost as to what is happening.  Lauren quickly grabs her keys and runs out the door.

"What is that all about Chel?" I ask my best friend.

"Not sure babe but it happens sometimes" she says shrugging it off.  We stay there and continue to watch the movie.  So many questions are racing through my mind, I don't know what to think. A few minutes later the movie is over.

"Maybe we should go to Alex's too and check on them? Something seemed to be wrong the way Laur left like that" I say without looking at her.

"WHAT?" She says causing my head to snap up. "Umm...no its ok she probably just needed Laurens help with something. Lets watch something else" she says trying to find a way to change the subject. Ok...she knows something

"What do you know Chel?"

"Uh no-nothing lets just wait fo-for Laur to get back. I will text her and see where she is." She says not making eye contact.

"Why does it feel like something is wrong and you are lying to me?"

"Look Har just let it go babes everything is fine." She says still not looking at me. I can't do this I need to go home.

"I'm gonna go home Chel. I will talk to you later" i say getting up off the couch.

"Look Har I'm sorry I cant tell you ok. Im not supposed to know I only found out because I snooped through Laur's phone.  If Alex or Laur knew that I know they would be mad with me ok. You don't have to leave." She says not making me feel any better. 

"It's ok Chel, I understand.  I am still going to go home I need a shower and to sleep" I say giving her a peck on the cheek before making my way home. 

Once home I strip my clothes and turn on the shower to its hottest setting.  As I step in, the hot water flows down my shoulders and back instantly easing some of the tension I feel.  My mind wanders off again with thoughts of Alex and soon I let out a squeal as the water turns freezing.  After getting out and drying off, I fall into my bed without putting on anything other than my underwear.  Almost instantly I slip into a restless sleep.

The next 2 days Alex and Lauren don't come to school. It's now Friday and whenever I try to ask Chel where they are, she says Alex is sick and Lauren is keeping her company. 

I got an idea. Since they missed school and I share all of my classes with Alex I thought I would take her work she missed to her.

School is over and since it's Friday there is no practice, so grabbing my stuff I leave and head to Alex's house.  Once there, I get out with the papers and make my way up to the door. Lauren's car isn't here making me smile at the thought of being alone with Alex.  I knock on the door but no answer. 

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