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Harper's P.O.V

Alex just left and we are still sitting here watching the movie they picked. I look over at Laur and she looks worried. I ask her if she is ok and she gives me a fake smile and says yeah. Weird. I look at Chel and she is almost asleep. The movie goes off and Laur looks even more agitated. She puts in another movie. About an hour into it she starts shaking her leg and biting her nails.

"Laur what's wrong? You have been acting strange since Lex left" I ask her. She looks at me and shakes her head.

"How long ago did she leave?" She asks. I check my phone and tell her an hour and a half. Her eyes widen and she grabs her phone off the coffee table and says she will be right back. I get up and follow her wanting to know what has her so edgy.

"Come on Alex. Pick up. God damnit" She says poking her phone screen.

"Laur what's going on? Where is Alex?" I ask causing her to spin around to face me. She looks at me for a minute before deciding to speak.

"Stay here with Michelle, Harp. I need to go to Alex's house really quick."

"Why?" I ask and she shakes her head saying she cant tell me.

"Lauren. That's my girl friend. I need to know what's going on." I say getting frustrated.

"Harp I need you to stay here ok? I will call you if I need to." She says before heading out the door.

I go back into the living room where Michelle is. I ask her if she knows what's going on and she lets out a deep breath. I ask her what's wrong and I wasn't expecting her to say what she says next.

"Har, Alex's dad is the one who gives her all those bruises."

"NO. No. Her dad called her during the movie. That's why she had to leave? We need to go" I say starting to panic. Michelle comes over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Breathe Har. I'm sure she's fine. Lo is on the way she will call if something is wrong." She says trying to calm me down.

"No i need to go now. If you wont go with me I am taking your car" I tell her looking for her keys. She shakes her head and says lets go.

When we get to Alex's house I see Lauren walking up to the door of Alex's house. She looks at us and rushes over to us.

"Harper yall need to go. I will make sure everything is ok. You can't be here." She says trying her best to get us to leave. "Michelle help me out."

"I have tried she won't listen." Chel tells her. Laur looks back at me and shakes her head letting out a sigh.

"Let me go in first. I will call you in if everything is ok" she says to me. I say ok and she opens the door. She walks in and I immediately follow her. Fuck waiting thats my girlfriend. What I see next causes my world to come crashing down. Alex is laid on the floor blood coming from her head and nose and mouth. She has bruises and welts all over her arms and a hand print around her neck. I rush over to her and see that she is still breathing even though she in unconscious. I sit down at her head and pull her into my lap. My tears are falling on her face.

"Give her to me Harp we have to go to the hospital" Laur says picking Alex up off my lap. We rush out and make our way to the hospital.

Once inside Laur stops the nearest nurse and tells them her friend got beat badly and needs help now. They take her and place her on a bed and wheel her out leaving all 3 of us sitting there in shock.


"Yeah Harp?" She says not looking at me.

"How often does this happen" I ask scarred to know the answer.

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