part 2

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Yang POV

I saw Ruby and Blake were taken down effortlessly by that man. I couldn't react fast enough to avoid his punch to my stomach. As I picked my self up I heard the sound of a pistol firing. I fear the worst has happened to my friends. I felt someone helping me up to meet Ruby. I looked around and saw Blake an Weiss were ok.

Yang: Who shot the gun?

Man: Me.


They all turned an looked at me. They seemed to be worried about the metal bar sticking through my body.

Y/n: Would anyone like to help me?

The Blonde kept the Red Cape girl from walking over to me.

Blonde: Why should we?

Y/n: Alright if we are doing it that way. KD can laser this off?

KD: I am unable to do that.

Y/n: Of course. (Looks back at Team RWBY) Can you please get this out?

They walk towards me, but they just look at me while I was on the ground.

Blonde: Who are you?
White haired girl: We should get him to a hospital first.
Bow girl: Who is KD though.

They kept arguing and arguing until the Red one pulled the bar out.

Weiss POV

We all stopped as Ruby helped the soldier up. He stood up and looked at me.

Y/n: That wasn't so hard was it?

His comment made me so mad until he took a step and fell down. I flipped him over shaking his body.

Me: Come on wake up!
Ruby: Maybe that robot has something.

They ran towards the robot as I stayed back. He had stab wounds to his leg and upper body. He started moving again.

Y/n: I need to get to KD.

He stood up for a moment before he was on all fours crawling towards the titan. I ran to him trying to lift him up but he was heavier than he looked. He pointed to a lever that was broken.

Me: Blake try the lever!

She ran to it looking back at me with hesitation to pull it. She took a breathe pulling it down, the sounds of hissing came from the metal holding the robot down as the released. The moment the robot could move it broke the bars as it moved towards me making my teammates ready themselves.Instead of crushing me it knelt down and it opened up revealing a seat and controls.

Y/n: KD a little help.

KD reached for him I still held onto his hand until it slipped away as he was placed in the seat.


I sat in the cockpit doing my best to stay awake. I faintly heard KD talking but could make it out. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. I felt amazing shortly after I opened the cockpit jumping out with my med kit.

Y/n: KD status report.

KD: We have successfully destroyed the Ark. However, we are no longer in Frontier Space.

Y/n: How we doing right now?

KD: Hull slightly damaged from the fall. You have multiple stab wounds recommend sealing them before stim effects wear off.

I began to remove my damaged armor before I took my shirt off I was interrupted.

KD: Pilot you may want to find a different spot.

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