part 3

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Timeskip to when you arrive at beacon.


I was told this place was wear people came to become hunters and huntress  I was expecting this to be more military not people in dress clothes.

Me: So this is it?
Weiss: Yes.
Ozpin: Mr. L/n you arrived. I would like to inform you that we have a place for your titan, unfortunately it isn't ready yet.
Me: I can stay outside for the night.
Ruby: He can stay with us!
I looked back at her she seemed too happy about this.
Me: What?
Ozpin: That would be a good idea. You'll need to study if you want to pass you initiation tomorrow at 9:00am.
Me: Study?
Ozpin: Yes, that's what students do.
Me: Oh boy KD I get to be a student again.
KD: I detect sarcasm.
Me: Well would anyone like to show me around.
Yang shoved Weiss towards me
Yang: Snow queen would love too.
She glared back at her then looked back at me. She still wasn't happy.
Me: Don't worry I'll be nice.
Weiss: How can I tell if your hiding behind a helmet.
Me: Because I'm a... well you got me. If I remove my helmet will you be happy.
She still didn't respond until my helmet was completely off.

Weiss POV

Y/n took off his helmet and I felt my face heat up immediately. His (e/c) eyes and is military cut (h/c) hair made me feel differently towards him. He looked barely older than me how could he be a soldier operating that robot. I saw a scar across the bridge of his nose up to his eyebrow and I hoped it was the only scar he has.
Yang: You know what maybe I should show him around.
Me: No I'll do it.
I looked back at him he had his hand out for me to take.
Y/n: Come on it will be fun.
He gave a small grin that I couldn't help but love.

(Small timeskip)

Me: And this is our dorm where you'll be staying for the night. Don't worry I'll help you study for tomorrow.
Y/n: Alright I'm just need to grab some things from KD and I'll be back.
He turned back as he put his helmet back on I wish he would keep it off.
I was greeted by two over joy sisters.
Ruby: So how was it?
Yang: I think somebody likes Y/n.
Me: I do not.
Yang: Then you went care if I take him.
Me: Dont even think about!
Ruby: Weiss it's ok.
Me: No it isn't he's probably some some...
Yang: You can't even think of anything because you looooove him.
Me: Ugg!!


KD: Pilot I detect that you're in a better mood.
Me: You can say that again.
KD: Pilot I detect that you're in a better mood.
I looked at him and he looked back at me.
Me: That's not funny. Just open up I'm just getting a few things.
I hoped in grabbing my Smart pistol and Rations.
KD: Good luck pilot.
Me: Thanks KD.
I made it back to Team RWBY's dorm. Before I knocked on the door i heard someone behind. I looked and was greated by a red head woman.
Me: Um hi.
Redhead: Hello.
She doesn't seem very friendly. I think it my be my appearance.
Me: Weiss! I may need your assistance!
She got into a combat stance then thrusted a spear at me. I grabbed it and moved it aside and followed up with a punch to her gut.
Ruby: Pyrrah stop!
She must not of heard Ruby as three other people we running at me. While Spartan lady was trying to recover from me punching her a couple times. A bullet landed between my legs as little too close for comfort.

Me: You did not just do that I'm going to RIP that pink stripe off your head.

I tossed the girl aside as I entered that other dorm. Someone was around the corner but he gave away his spot by yelling before he attacked. I grabbed his sword, twisted his wrist and kicked him away. Some crazy girl yelled "I'm going to break your leg!!" I sent multiple holograms towards her. She fell for each one leaving her opened for my grappling hook. I yanked her towards me before I finished her off a laser blew a small he through the room.
KD: Protocol three protect the pilot.
His hand smash the window grabbing the last guy.
KD: Laser core ready.
Man: Enough.
Ozpin was standing behind me with his cup.
Ozpin: Care to explain?
Me: He shot at me, she wanted to break my legs, he... well he tried, and she wasn't being very nice.
Ozpin: And why is your titan holding my student?
KD: Protocol three protect the pilot.
Ruby: It's true sir.
Ozpin: Well I hope that everyone will cooperate now.
Weiss: What happened?
Me: Just meeting the neighbors.

Weiss POV

I sat down waiting for Y/n to finish with his pouches. I moved a chair next to me, hoping he gets the hint. I heard snickering behind me. He sat down across from me setting his pouches down then removing his helmet. I heard popping coming from the pouch, he must of seen my confusion.
Y/n: Don't worry the popping is normal.
Me: What is it?
Y/n: K-rations.
Y/n: Food.
We all gathered around Y/n as he opened it.
Yang: That doesn't look like food.
Y/n: Its military food, it has everything a soldier needs to survive. What to try it.
He took out a knife and ate off it and I wanted to tell at him but I was scared he might cut himself.
Me: So i think we should start Remmenats history first.
He looked at me with the knife inside his mouth.
Y/n: Oh you were being serious about studying.
Me: I'm very serious.
Y/n: Well can you have KD scan the books first?
Me: Why does KD need to scan them?
KD: So we can be more efficient Ms. Weiss.
Everyone looked at KD out the window.
KD: Also there appears to be a monkey boy near by shall I remove him.
Y/n: Monkey?
KD: It has a tail.
Y/n: No because of what I did to the neighbors.
Blake: Hes called a Fuanus, don't discriminate them they deal with enough.
Y/n: They are others like him? Blake are you a Fuanus?
Blake: What makes you think that?
Y/n: The fact that you look like you're going to kick my ass for call him a Monkey.
He got up and walked towards her.
Y/n: I know I'm the only one here but take this.
I couldn't see what he gave her but her face assured me it was something she needed to see. He sat in the seat next to me and put his arm around my chair.
Y/n: Alright let's try this study thing out.

Timeskip Y/n POV

Everyone were in the beds, except for me, I was sitting against a wall looking outside. I looked down at my hands thinking about earlier.
Y/n: KD.
KD: Yes pilot.
Y/n: What are they chances that I stopped him from calling back up?
KD: I calculate there is a 0% chance you stopped it. I calculate that IMC recovery teams will be here within two weeks.
Y/n: Any idea how I can get back up here?
KD: There is a communication building students use to make calls. Unfortunately it won't be able to reach the Frontier unless we boost the signal.
Y/n: Ideas how to do that?
KD: We will need to climb the tower and place your beacon while you have a connection.
Y/n: Alright now mission KD. Finish this initiation and get to that tower. Save power we will need it.
Ruby: Y/n, is everything ok?
Y/n: Yea I'm fine just not use to the quiet.
Ruby: Maybe Weiss can help with that.
I looked at Weiss she looked beautiful on the night light. I learned my head back and told myself "I'll only get her hurt." I shut my eyes letting the sleep overtake me.

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